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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Yes they do, I work in Manchester and that really is the consensus.
  2. It was the 2012/2013 season - we played Man U at Old Trafford and they charged £45! (I went)
  3. Was at their game tonight, they looked very decent - was a strong, well organised performance. Deserving of their win.
  4. I'm Manchester based and what I heard the most tonight was this: "If Mike Dean had been referee, we would have won." Proves the Mancs' arrogance in the PL...so, on that basis, Man U fans deserve all that they deserved tonight.
  5. Sifu

    Jordan Lukaku

    Oh fuck right off.
  6. Sifu


    This is currently what's going on in my mind: I keep asking myself, "what's the point in having any sort of interest/passion for us?". Here's the answer I've given myself: It's the club I grew up with and it was, basically, the only common interest I had with all the other lads and lasses at Kingston Park Primary School back in the early 90s (when I joined in Reception, I was a lad who had fuck all grasp of English due to the lack of it being spoken at home...it really was fucking hard to converse with people on a day to day basis. My natural feeling of shyness didn't help my cause either at the time but talking about Newcastle United with all the other children and my subsequent increasing feeling of a belonging to a bigger collective/community helped me so much with my life...the school football parties I ended up being invited to were great times). It fucking breaks my heart to see the club in its current state - you can attribute that to the current club policy of simply doing the bare minimum to succeed and yes, that is certainly a primary reason (what's the point in seeing a football club just surviving in the PL season after season? What's the point in supporting a club like that? That's fuck all to be proud of at the moment, what's wrong in striving to compete?) but for me though, what's more saddening is the divided fanbase and seeing fans on here, in public and on social media arguing amongst one another due to the whole "support the team, not regime/nothing will stop me from supporting my club/Ashley has already taken my money" sentiment. The whole community has been shattered to pieces. Unconditional support for the team is one thing but actively allowing one man to get away with whatever he wants to do with the club is another. I Iove the St James' faithful but, for me, (and I don't like saying this) the fans who attend a match because it's "supporting the team" but then go on to boo the team and/or individual players in the same match (and then turn up at the next home match) are almost certainly enabling the actions of the regime. If there's nearly 50,000+ people attending every other week, what incentive does Ashley actually have in selling the club? Admittedly, Rafa is the reason why I still have an interest in NUFC - he actually brings the hope that we can be a competitive club and while he's still there, there's a hint of a heartbeat in the club. Whilst Mike Ashley is here though, there is no hope whatsoever. Like I alluded to in the Man U match thread, it's a right sad state of affairs that I'm not too disappointed with tonight's result. Apologies for the potential over-dramatisation there but yeah, I'm a broken man over NUFC.
  7. It's a sad state of affairs when I'm not too disappointed about today's performance and/or result. On the basis of what I've said, fuck this club and Mike Ashley.
  8. Half tempted to go to that.
  9. Well done to all who went down to protest. Brilliant work.
  10. Sifu


    My mate keeps telling me to relax...his head is firmly in the sand if he isn't even at least a tiny bit worried.
  11. Sifu

    The Magpie Group

    Well done to all involved today. Looks fantastic from the video and photos I've seen.
  12. Sifu

    The Magpie Group

    Moi! I’ll be there. I'll be there, aye. I'll be there too
  13. Sifu

    The Magpie Group

    I'll be up for that
  14. Sifu

    The Magpie Group

    I shall be at the protest on Sunday and I'm more likely than not going to come up for the open meeting too.
  15. Sifu

    The Magpie Group

    I'll be in attendance tomorrow. I'll be seeing whoever is attending from here there
  16. Sifu


    Not sure if it's good for the world cup but Golden Gate Tap Rooms near Union Square was good for sports when I was there Thanks
  17. Sifu


    FAO of those based in the USA, I'll be in San Francisco on the 11th...any recommended bars for the England game?
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