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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. What was that routine in Poland's wall
  2. I realised so deleted my post. Clearly didn't delete it quick enough
  3. Glad I'm not the only one who thinks this. My mate is 100% confident that we'll hammer Scotland, wish I shared that optimism!
  4. Hopefully Ramsdale's down as third choice with Johnstone being bumped up to second choice (on a related note...two keepers from relegated teams in the England squad man!). Amazed that Darlow didn't get a look in.
  5. Nothing will ever eclipse Shola playing in the 2014 World Cup.
  6. Sterling's final decision making has been off today.
  7. Sorry to hear that your wife has had to go through that I'm in one of those kind of Facebook groups too and it's really scary stuff to read. My advice is to be aware of one's surroundings (I have this habit of looking everywhere whenever I'm out and about) and to make sure to keep to busy, known streets. Admittedly, the worry will always be there but I think the best thing to do is to try to keep to normal life as much as possible.
  8. From a personal point of view (being ethnically Chinese), all the work to tackle racism in wider society over the last 30 odd years or so is in danger of being undone and that, for me, is primarily down to Brexit - once that vote came to pass, it gave the real racists the platform and the scope to show their true colours. The 90s were dogshit, my parents got all sorts of grief whilst working at their takeaway (my brother and I got shielded from it all) but thankfully, through education, it appeared that racism was being eradicated and the new millennium was proof of that. Since the EU referendum though, racism is rearing its ugly head once again; on one night out shortly after the results of the vote, I got told to "fuck off back to my country" and last year, I got called a coronavirus - these events shook me to the core as I've always felt safe in the UK. East Asian hate/attacks is at its highest it's ever been in the UK now and it doesn't appear it's going to stop any time soon. Progress has been made to tackle racism and I still believe the UK is definitely welcoming and a brilliant place to live in. The main thing for me is that I still feel safe (up in the North anyway, the issues surrounding East Asian hate appears to be predominant in the South) but racist attitudes are making a comeback (it's still in the minority of the population but if we don't take the right measures, it'll be prevalent in society again).
  9. The BBC's punditry lineup is horrific. Savage now as well
  10. Enjoyed it, was great craic!
  11. Yep, day and time is fine with me.
  12. Should be able to do any of those days.
  13. So yep, nominated alongside Allardyce, Bielsa and Solskjaer.
  14. Ah fuck, this isn't beyond the realms of possibility
  15. To sum up, Steve Bruce is still a cunt and that's how he'll be remembered. It'll always be down to the players he has at his disposal rather than any "tactical knowledge" that he has. It's really staggering how he's been allowed to b manager for 984 (?) games. Like the Pardew era, any success we have is in spite of the manager/head coach rather than because of him; without an Allan Saint Maximum or a Callum Wilson, we'd definitely be where West Brom are at the moment, no doubt about that in my mind.
  16. Yep, he'll laud it as one of his best achievements in his "managerial" career and be all "I told you we'd be fine." He'll end up having a LinkedIn page like Carver's.
  17. For me, today's game was another example of us looking rather decent owing to the opposition's lack of urgency and decision not to constantly press us (this isn't to take anything away from our performance btw, just an observation). When we are given the time and space to work openings, we do resemble a football team and that, in turn, comes with deserved rewards (with today, it was a draw at the very least and certainly, had we taken our chances away, we could have won and that would have been deserved).
  18. Fake Geordie b****** would be better. Fat Geordie b****** would trip off the tongue slightly better. Message would be stronger with "fake". I'm so sick of the mainstream punditry saying that he's one of us when he clearly isn't.
  19. The sad thing is, a draw will be spun as 'three ahead of Fulham, game in hand, our three best players are about to return, good job' What's sadder is some fans would lap that up. Obviously my personal view of the situation is that we're a disgrace and to have won no games out of the last four (including this one) would be an appalling return, regardless of injuries. But if your expectations are absolutely minuscule, getting through this period with some reasonable daylight between us and the drop zone and with zero defeats will inevitably be spun as a positive with some justification (again, within the context of paltry expectations). In terms of tonight, as usual I hope we don't lose because of the inconvenience of relegation in terms of the takeover, but won't feel a thing if we win. It's basically just a preference to win than lose at this point, rather than anything emotional or rousing. As it is I think another draw is nailed on. Tends to happen when a point each suits both sides. This is it in a nutshell. If there is still any hope of a takeover occurring, it'll be in our interest to avoid relegation so a win is the preference... can't see that being the result tonight given the corward who is our Head Coach Get what you're saying in your post though, think my main focus of irritation is based on some of the Newcastle fans I've met down here (through work), they're just happy to accept the club the way it is no matter the circumstances (ie. the lack of any ambition for us to be better, the whole "it is what it is").
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