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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. This is rather tempting. Might make the trip back up that weekend... Caution: I am extremely unfit and shit with the ball. Goalkeeping duties for me like.
  2. Still somewhat of a kid like - like I've said in my post above, he's essentially just made the jump from Ligue 2 to the PL, don't think he could hit the ground running straightaway like. Give him some time.
  3. The lad's more than likely still settling in. The step up from Ligue 2 to the PL is rather big like. He's not like Santon, a player who boasted first team experience at the highest level.
  4. Sifu

    Loïc Remy

    Without reading the last 10 pages or so, I'm going to nail my colours to the mast and say we'll sign Remy in this transfer window.
  5. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    In the case of those who still have an ounce of faith in Pardew (myself included), I think it's because (well in my case anyway) we believe that there is a decent manager in there somewhere (last season is proof of that) and he has demonstrated that he's willing to make changes to the system (though admittedly, the necessary changes have come a bit too late) - he's stuck with the same system for a few games now so I would really like to see what happens when our better players are within that system. It's most certainly not ignorance, it's misplaced optimism for me. I'm not blind to all the problems that's going on btw - tactics have been all over the place and and Pardew is rightly being questioned/criticised but like I said yesterday, I'm still willing to give him a chance and I really want to. I will concede that there does come a point when enough's enough - the next couple of games will dictate my feelings.
  6. Just sent him a tweet asking where his respect has gone. He obviously won't reply but I felt that I needed to send him a tweet in response to his tweet.
  7. The Europa League could potentially be the bright spot of this season, let's not fuck it up now ().
  8. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    If we get no points or only 1 point from both of those games, then my view about him will officially change. I'm still willing to give him a chance but there does come a point when enough's enough, I do have a breaking point but I'm not quite there yet.
  9. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    I'll tell what I think about Pardew: My faith in him is still there somewhere - he has stuck with (well at least started with) the same system (4-2-3-1) for consecutive games now so that's an indication that the system is kinda stuck in his mind atm and I would like to see how we do with Ben Arfa and Cabaye in the system (and with Cisse finally being in the centre) before making my final call on Pardew. Yes, times are shit atm and he does spout quite a lot of shite and he has been very questionable tactically but I'm still going to give him a bit more time. The hourglass is running empty rather quickly though, the next 3 games will be make or break for him. Fire away.
  10. Well that was a load of shite - minimal effort, creativity and spirit. Mind you though, I'm feeling rather apathetic about today. Not really bothered about being knocked out. Whilst I do love the FA Cup, circumstances this season have become so dire that extra games probably would have become a hindrance...oh Newcastle, what have you done to me?
  11. Bievenue chez les Ch'tis was a good film though
  12. I sincerely hope we'll be pleasantly surprised within the next few weeks with regards to a CB...(that doesn't include Saylor coming back in). They surely must have something in the shadows? Would be scandalous if we don't bring in a new CB, our defence has really cost us a lot of games in the last couple of months.
  13. Makes the latter part of my post look a bit silly. Still though, a bit too much Chelsea love on Twitter.
  14. A backup role for Simpson will do me. Squad depth ftw.
  15. Bienvenue Mathieu Can't wait to see him in action. We should, of course, give him time to settle - he's not going to hit the ground running straighaway but I can't help but feel optimistic about the near future. A French international RB should be an improvement on Simpson. Logic dictates that anyway. Bon courage
  16. Just basically like to repeat the above. Ba was a brilliant servant for us and was one of the reasons why we had such a successful season last year. Free transfer and we got 29 goals out of him in a season and a half. That's some return. At his best (especially the first half of last season), he was basically the best striker we had since Shearer - that's not an exaggeration btw. The way in which he's left though does leave a somewhat bitter taste in the mouth - why the fuck did he do all those interviews? His comments on the Chelsea website are somewhat disrespectful to us too. He and his agents have not conducted themselves in the correct manner at all, guess that's football for you. Again, thanks for the good times Demba and I'll leave it at that.
  17. Sifu

    Loïc Remy

    He then goes on about Taylor coming back from injury. Like a new signing! ffs i knew it was too good to be true. To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction. Something like that.
  18. Positive quotes there from Pardew, that's the first time I've paid attention to one of his quotes from this season...
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