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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Not bad. Got a decent chance of progressing to the last 16 imo...
  2. Thought I'd try my hand at making one of these threads. Draw will do me.
  3. Advise him to go to Café de Sport and Byron Bay. Canny places otherwise one can drown their sorrows at the Connemara - I did that many a time.
  4. I alternate so guess that means both!
  5. My mate will be pleased. He's been going on about Ranger for weeks.
  6. Ah f***'s sake (if true that is). I'd much rather start Campbell.
  7. (Will probably be one of the young'uns starting).
  8. Ha, only just realised the transfer window is about a month away. More rumours plz.
  9. It's more of a sightseeing town. The vineyards are quite a bit away but a walk around town will usually do.
  10. Certainly getting me into the festive spirit.
  11. Come to think of it, think we did manage to upset him one time (that was about a week before the end of the uni year). All in all, think he liked our group though (which I think is really down to the majority of my mates being Irish). We always went to the open mic nights - one of my mates was a regular performer actually. Think I've already told you this before but the Connemara was where I watched us get relegated Still, had a lot of good times in there so I'd certainly recommend it to all those heading over on Thursday.
  12. Ah, Frank's canny enough. Gave me and my mates free food once.
  13. L'victoire by all accounts. Speaking to my mate at the weekend who used to live theree aswell, he reckons there is a cracking Irish boozer. There's a canny Irish pub called the Connemara and it's right by Gambetta otherwise there's a few canny bars around Place de la Victoire - Café de Sport being one of them. Cheers, our hotel is opposite the train station so that's a straight road up to the Square. Mind yourself when you head back towards the train station at night, that area is rough as fuck. Actually got sprayed with mace by a random Frenchman around there.
  14. L'victoire by all accounts. Speaking to my mate at the weekend who used to live theree aswell, he reckons there is a cracking Irish boozer. There's a canny Irish pub called the Connemara and it's right by Gambetta otherwise there's a few canny bars around Place de la Victoire - Café de Sport being one of them.
  15. Getting better by the game. Looks like he's taken to the "quasi-attacking" role rather well. See what happens when you give players time to settle?
  16. Great game tonight, was certainly key to our attacks/creativity tonight. My MOTM. Basically showed the same promise/talent he showed last season. You just knew he had it in him.
  17. Fergie's nothing like that ugly cunt down the road. I'd say Shane has more potential, definitely needs a loan spell somewhere but as is the case these days, we can't afford to let him go.
  18. Decent performance from him tonight. His best in a while. Has Tulisa given him a new lease of life?
  19. A pleasing night all round. Sure it wasn't perfect but it feels so good to experience a win again. It was such an important win! Really have to build on this now.
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