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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. my opinion, while hardly ideal if we have the same squad as we do now on sat its not the worst thing thats ever happened Problem is, the other teams around us have actively improved their squads whilst we've done essentially nothing to strengthen up apart from Anita. It's all well and good that we've signed players for the future but they won't be ready for the step up just yet. Just have to hope that the likes of Sammy, Tavernier, Abeid, Vuckic really up their games this season.
  2. I'm still clinging onto hope that this will be the case. Can't guarantee that I'll be as calm and collected as you if we end up signing no-one before the window closes
  3. One thing people have got to remember is that Marveaux is like a new signing!
  4. David Craig will turn up with some random shite though
  5. How spineless. Another window he's completely lied to us then. Or he's been lied to again by Ashley/Llambias. If he had any sense he'd have maintained a Hughton-like silence during the window. He's been burned before and yet again by the looks of it. But then people wouldn't be happy if he said nowt.
  6. How spineless. Another window he's completely lied to us then. Or he's been lied to again by Ashley/Llambias.
  7. I'm not going to give all hope just yet/I'm still going to clutch at straws - still time left for things to happen in terms of incomings.
  8. Sifu

    Four MASSIVE months

    Probably would have been more sense if I posted that on Friday morning.
  9. Nowt wrong with going to the match by yourself. I've done it many a time.
  10. christ thats poor management Rodgers is definitely not going to last the season like. E
  11. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    Fair fucking play to him. Not sure how he or Willie McKay blagged their way into getting this move but it's a massive step up from QPR. Don't know why I'm saying this but best of luck to him.
  12. If we play 4-3-3 then Simpson's weaknesses won't be as obvious as day imo. Won't? In that he won't really be doing anything of note. If our midfield 3 and attacking 3 just do their thing, then Simpson won't be as involved in the game.
  13. If we play 4-3-3 then Simpson's weaknesses won't be as obvious as day imo.
  14. Sifu


    Sounds like Colback was played at LB today. O'Neill's already at it then.
  15. Would be a perfect player for 4-3-3 IMO. Spot on. Aye, was brilliant at the Euros on the left of a front 3 wasn't he? Everyone in that Dutch team was crap tbf. (Or rather underperformed).
  16. Affelay is NUFC-bound you say? VI, I'll personally blame you if nothing happens
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