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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Wait until June when we'll have a full month of his face on our screens...
  2. Great game of football. Much better than that shite we saw last night.
  3. Money talks. Hello Sylvain Distin. I doubt Villa has the resources to offer a significantly high wage. They've been trying to cut the wage bill for a while now (though I guess Heskey's departure this summer will help to ease it a bit).
  4. Think I shall go for a Real win. So howay CR7...
  5. Sifu

    Harry Redknapp

    With all the latest news/rumours about injuries and dissatisfied players, it really looks like Spurs' season can only go one way: downhill. Harry's really feeling the pressure now, I mean he's made quite a lot of weird comments he's made to the media recently. So, is he losing it? I hope so.
  6. If Douglas is ambitious (which I assume he is), then he would say no to Villa (a club clearly going backwards and one which might not even be in the PL next season!). Logic should dictate here.
  7. The full article from the BBC:
  8. Can't believe he's employed in such a privileged position while others in the country are struggling to find a job. There's got to be some sort of injustice there.
  9. Sifu


    Welcome, what's that forum like? Cheers Not606, its a decent forum actually, lots of the peeps who used to post on the old BBC 606 forums. The 606 forums, looking back now, weren't that great tbh. There were a lot of immature people on those messageboards (myself included, it has to be said - was only 15 at the time).
  10. It's already started with me (even though the season hasn't finished yet). The potential of being ridiculed/mocked is there though and my Man U/Arsenal supporting mates have already pounced on it. Regarding last night, it was s**** aye but the only thing we can do now is to look forward and pick up as many points as we can in our last 4 games. Instead of looking at stuff elsewhere, we just have to concentrate on ourselves. Focus is the key.
  11. Sifu


    Speaking of which, Sunderlands David Meyler engaged hands before head tonight on Twitter, too... @DavidMeyler let hope chelsea win it! I'd hate for newcastle to get europe! #ftm Oh dear, haha! What an idiot.
  12. I'll have a Manchester address this week, I wonder if that'll help me get a ticket for the home end...
  13. Is it wrong that I want it as a text message alert? Was honestly waiting for a decent clip to pop online so I could do this. That as your text alert and the Archer: Mulatto Butts song as your ringtone? You weirdo
  14. Gary Neville's cry there. Oh dear god :lol:
  15. Just seen the Villa-Bolton result. Hahaha, that has somewhat cheered me up after Barça's display tonight. Have that you pricks! (sorry brummie).
  16. That's because he doesn't have to do anything about it Indeed
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