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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I would assume so. In fact, from what I gather, quite a lot of French fans want him in the squad for the Euros.
  2. Looks like he's getting a lot of support on Twitter - good to see Chin up Demba!
  3. 5 million euros? That's a decent price.
  4. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    No doubt about it, he's done a phenomenal job this season.
  5. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Got to say, it was quite puzzling to see him deploy a 4-4-2. The 4-3-3 has been working brilliantly recently so don't really know why he felt the need to change the system today. I guess Pardew was trying to counteract the 5 in midfield for Bolton? Still though, we were well below par in the first half today. We weren't too bad but we were by no means good - could be down to fatigue from playing two games in such a short space of time or could be down to the tactics, I don't really know (could have even been a bit of both!). Pardew made the correct substitutions and at the right time though. Bringing Fergie on gave us that extra bit of energy we lacked in the first half and Ba was correctly substituted because he did look knackered and was ultimately not too much of a threat (unfortunately). All in all though, it was a fantastic result so I'm pretty happy. I'm sure we'll see the 4-3-3 back in action for Stoke btw. In the meantime, time for a nice rest for the players.
  6. Sifu

    Papiss Cissé

    fake I think Real, it's been verified.
  7. Difficult choice. They were both absolutely magical goals but if I have to choose one, I'd go for the Blackburn goal. My main reasons being that he took more players out (ran past more players that is) with his trickery/close control and he also unleashed the thunderbastard shot that time too. Close call though, really loved today's goal.
  8. Sifu


    Another RTG meltdown? Nice
  9. 26 points from Cabaye (6), Ben Arfa (8) and captain Cissé (12). Nice.
  10. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Amazing goal. Amazing player. Absolutely magical (very Messi-esque goal, there I said it!). (Plus he's smiling! )
  11. He has two weeks now to get himself mentally and physically prepared. Once he gets his goal, he'll be fine.
  12. Was very disappointed with Ba's reaction today. There was no need for that but I think that it was just the case of him being frustrated with himself/his general situation atm. He hasn't scored a goal since the Villa game and when a striker goes through a long period without scoring any goals, he will inevitably lose a bit of confidence and that will ultimately lead to frustration. I do believe that what happened today was just simply a heat of a moment thing - he didn't play well today, he looked knackered and he didn't really look threatening. I honestly think that he was just frustrated with himself and just wanted to stay on the pitch just so that he could somehow nick a goal. Pardew will probably have a private word with him and that'll be that. sicko2ndbest
  13. Fantastic result. Admittedly we were below par in the first half. We had no sense of urgency and we were very flat (down to tiredness maybe?). Bolton were slightly better and their gameplan did work in the first half - I also thought they started the second half very well (better than us anyway). For 70 minutes, Bolton were probably the better team but that moment of magic from Ben Arfa () completely changed the game. After his goal, I thought we became very comfortable - it really became a matter of seeing the game out. Cissé's goal was nice and simple and finished the game off nicely. Level on points with Spurs, oh my
  14. I've just been subjected to a mini-feature about Phil Brown. Urgh.
  15. That's the only logical explanation.
  16. Sifu


    Tbf though, Paxton seemed decent. His views about Cattermole are about the same as every other mackem (my mackem mates included). Their views are blinded by the red and white loyalty so they can't really see the shit player Cattermole really is. The (wannabe) "hardman" image is what sways their views imo.
  17. Sifu


    Just caught up with the thread Well played, TT, well played
  18. Ba hat trick today tbh. Howay Demba!
  19. Thought he was a bit of a laugh in the past but nowadays, really think he's a twat. If he continues being like this on and off the pitch, he's simply not going to be a great player. Needs to buck up his ideas soon otherwise he'll probably waste his talent. Though I guess he still has time to mature, he's still only 21 after all. Who knows, maybe he'll properly fulfill his talent with the right manager. Mancini doesn't seem to be the best man manager so is probably not the man to offer Balotelli the right guidance.
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