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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu


    Piers Morgan is at it again. This time, it's a war of words between him and Nasri.
  2. Definitely this. Was a much better competition under this format.
  3. Sifu

    Chris Hughton

    Would love to see Hughton back in the PL. He's been doing a brilliant job at Birmingham and if he can get them promoted this season, that would be a fantastic achievement. It would be great to see him back at St. James' Park.
  4. Martin would be a good signing - from what I've seen, he is a neat looking player. Would fit in well in a midfield three imo.
  5. Sifu


    I agree with that but the 3 we've had haven't exactly been the best posters: Wireside - Epic meltdown and major bell end. Randy Savage - Schizophrenic who had one personality on here and another on RTG. f***ed off on his own accord. Paxton - Posts libellous comments about our ex-players. Wasn't there another one, who claimed to be a mag but was found out within minutes? Super_Hans iirc.
  6. "You Only Live Once" was the message on Balotelli's shirt. (well according to Colin Murray anyway).
  7. Reminds me of the Graveson challenge on Bernard in 2003. Disgraceful from Balotelli.
  8. Sifu


    Randy Savage didn't really cause any bother here tbf. (Completely different persona on RTG, it has to be said).
  9. can't quite understand why pearce is trying to make it out as if it was a penalty as there was contact. what a massive dogcunt he is. deserves to be run over. Pearce's commentary these days is very cringeworthy.
  10. So only just seen the Derry red card and the penalty decision. Fuck off Ashley Young, fucking prick.
  11. Sifu

    LOL at Lolro

    And here is his said prediction:
  12. I actually wouldn't be too averse to Abeid starting this one if Cabaye's out. From what I've seen, Mehdi has a decent range of passing and is actually a canny set piece taker. If Cabaye and Tiote are indeed out then I would go for this midfield: Jonas Gosling/Raylor Abeid
  13. Wouldn't be surprised if they tried to get him. I think City would suit Mourinho actually....
  14. All that money yet they're going to end up finishing the season without a trophy (bar some massive miracle). It's a farce really. Mancini is more than likely going to get binned at the end of the season (probably with just reason too).
  15. They've completely bottled it.
  16. Really so Cabaye is confirmed out? Cabaye is touch and go. Tiote is almost certain to be out though.
  17. http://news.bbcimg.co.uk/media/images/59554000/jpg/_59554811_59554810.jpg
  18. Sifu


    Thank you for that post brummie. Hope it puts Paxton in his place.
  19. well turning your nose up on a few competitions to concentrate on just two is not a bad thing. could mean more chance of doing well in those campaigns. lets be honest, whats the big deal about winning the fa cup or the carling cup, regardless of when we last won anything? You can't be serious......
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