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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Well that was a good read! Interesting stuff and that bit about us signing a CB for this summer is excellent news (mind you, it's best not to excited just yet until it's properly confirmed through the press/.co.uk, etc). Would be very happy with one of Mbiwa or Douglas.
  2. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Proper awwed at that, like. So lovable Same, was a brilliant moment.
  3. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Had to read that post twice - couldn't believe what it said! Steal.
  4. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Erm, en français so that I can translate it properly? Do you mean that we signed him for 3 million euros? (not true btw).
  5. You're correct to assume this Taarabt has too much of an inflated ego to really fit in with our ethos imo. Can really see him disrupting the team spirit. Like Ben Arfa? Like Ba who I also believe went on strike to get a move? Taarabt shouldnt come here because he si s*** They were worth it Taarabt is really full of himself though. One example of this being when he "retired" from international football because he wasn't selected for the starting line up - his ego was on a different level then.
  6. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/d/dd/Oscar_statuette.jpg/220px-Oscar_statuette.jpg It was the Kitty Sniper tbh. Precise aim like.
  7. You're correct to assume this Taarabt has too much of an inflated ego to really fit in with our ethos imo. Can really see him disrupting the team spirit.
  8. I was in Hong Kong at the time but even from that many miles away, I was properly embarrassed. My relatives laughed when I told them what had happened (Man U/Liverpool "fans").
  9. Sifu

    Papiss Cissé

    Need to have some of this goat curry and then wash it down with some strawberry syrup. Then I shall feel the power!
  10. IMO, one of two things needs to happen for Carroll to be able to "resurrect his career", either: - Dalglish leaves/resigns/gets sacked from the manager's role at Liverpool (he's clearly not the right manager for Carroll). - Carroll leaves Liverpool (on loan/permanent transfer to another club). I may have mentioned in the past that I would want him back here, now though, wouldn't want him back whatsoever.
  11. Why go for a new winger when we have Obertan?
  12. No reason why we can't win this game, confidence is very high in the camp after our wins against WBA and Liverpool and it looks like we've found the winning formula with the 4-3-3. However, as with most away games, this could prove to be a difficult task. Even more so at Swansea imo because of their style of play, so wouldn't mind a draw here. We'll see.
  13. His role on the left as part of a front 3 has been very important for us (with his technique and all round play, he's done brilliantly there) and is certainly one of the reasons why we've played so well recently. You could also say that he's also been one of the reasons why Cissé has been scoring regularly. Hope he gets back on the scoresheet soon - he deserves one (would also like to see what he does when he scores his 19th goal!).
  14. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    From what I gather, Blanc really likes/rates him so I reckon there's still an outside chance of Hatem making the squad.
  15. He's pretty much been revitalised by the 4-3-3. What a difference a new (what now looks to be correct) system makes to a player - he certainly thrives in a three-man midfield. On a sidenote, I still think that a Cabaye-Tiote CM partnership in a 4-4-2 could work - all what needs to be done is to tell Cabaye to push up and Tiote to stay deep/back. But, as it stands, the 4-3-3 is an absolute must.
  16. Oh Jose, Jose, you twat. Those chants from the fans were spot on and the right way to express our general feelings. Hope he actually regrets making those comments (unlikely though). Was fantastic seeing him fall flat on his arse after being skinned by Ben Arfa
  17. 56 points this weekend. Had wor Cissé as captain. Up to 124th, the top 100 target is still on......
  18. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Loving the silver fox like. Got it bang on the money today. Some nice passing and composure from the players - it was a very disciplined display I thought. Today was a brilliant follow up to our win against WBA. I'm liking the signs.
  19. Sifu

    Erik Pieters

    He's coming. So yep, LB sorted!
  20. Personally, I thought the reception Carroll got today was exactly what he deserved. Have to say that I pretty much laughed at him whenever he fucked something up, haha (misplaced passes, losing the ball etc.). That dive was ridiculous like, prick. Don't really feel sorry for him like, he's made his own bed and now he has to lie in it.
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