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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Liverpool are funny. Keep imploding please!
  2. For me, today was probably Williamson's best performance in a black and white shirt. Was very solid. Like some people have already said, his performance (and him being awarded the MOTM award) will act as a massive confidence booster for him which can only be a good thing! Was unlucky not to score today (that chance where he hit the post) - was a great header.
  3. Admittedly, I did fall for Dave's prank initially (was quite drunk at the time tbf). A quick check of Facebook straightened things out.
  4. Sifu

    James Perch

    Perch was an absolute rock in defence today. Williamson was great too mind but Perchy just edged it. Definitely a MOTM performance - such great tackling, great anticipation and was just fantastic today. Got to say, I did have reservations about him playing CB but he did so well there today - if he performs like he did today in future games then wouldn't mind him playing there when need be. Disappointing reaction for the Reina sending off mind (it was just like the Barton-Gervinho, Tiote-Sessegnon situations so the same arguments will crop up).
  5. What a brilliant game and what a brilliant performance from the players today. Thought Williamson and Perch were excellent in the centre of defence - they certainly handled Liverpool's strikeforce rather brilliantly (a few edgy moments here and there but overall, they were great, very solid). Our front three are fantastic like - they linked up so well today (and last week too) and this new formation has really revitalised Cabaye too. I really liked our passing and composure in this game too - I thought it was a disciplined display. Things are really looking positive and I hope it continues. I laughed a lot today and that's down to: Liverpool fucking up quite a lot of their chances; Carroll being shite (as is usual these days); Enrique on his arse after being skinned by Ben Arfa; Reina being sent off (never a red card like); Kenny being told to get off the pitch by Gerrard. Excellent implosion there. Such a perfect day for me (got to say, for me, today's result was a much better one than our win against Man U in January!) Oh and Andy, Jose...........
  6. I'm in Sheffield this weekend so might spot Ranger out and about later on.....
  7. Canny. Wouldn't mind that like. I'm all for it, in fact.
  8. ESPN usually has the Bundesliga on.....
  9. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Doubt we'll get a RB, assuming we get a LB then Santon/Simpson become the RB's. Still need a forward imo, either of Ba or Cisse get injured (go to ACN) and we're short again, 'specially if we're playing a front three more often than not. Oh aye, we definitely need another striker. Perhaps a young striker from the lower leagues? (I'm thinking one of Rodriguez or Rhodes).
  10. It was meant to be reverse psychology so the poor lad could have a goal. Perchy's my new unlikely hero. Ah I can see your thinking. A Perch winner would be fun actually.
  11. I'd go with this too. Attacking-wise though, Guthrie hasn't been too bad recently (though not as good as he was in January/February) but like you've said he isn't mobile enough. With Colo out, we need all the mobility/protection to the defence we can get and Jonas fits the bill. With him and Tiote in DM, we should have enough tools to cope......
  12. Hughton basically developed a system which was perfect for Carroll. Simply put, the system was built around him. No it wasn't, we played similar stuff in the Championship well before Carroll become a regular, with a combination of Shola, Harewood and even Lovenkrands at times, up top. Anyway, as for Carroll, I hope he gets all the abuse in the world. A Geordie should never look at any other kind of deal as being better than playing for your own club, be it for extra money, European football or whatever. Alan Shearer had the chance to join Inter Milan, Man Utd, Barcelona, Liverpool, Arsenal and even Celtic either prior to his move to Newcastle or during his time here and he placed becoming NUFC's greatest all-time ever goalscorer ahead of everything, the very thing he dreamed of becoming as a bairn. Carroll was number 9, the first name on the teem sheet and earning in excess of 30K a week but gave up on all of that for the riches of Liverpool, a nothing club to him as his shocking performances for them and his constant existence in Newcastle as a visitor, prove, that and the fact he regrets the move massively. Tough s***. In any case, Hughton's system certainly played to Carroll's key strengths. Btw, I agree with your last two paragraphs.
  13. I see you've stopped putting bets on Williamson to score, Jill.....
  14. Sifu


    Couldn't applaud anything that day and certainly wouldn't applaud someone like Gerrard in that mood. Felt absolutely sick, was just shaking my head for the whole game thinking 'this is the most embarrassing, gutless, pathetically disorganised shambles I've seen in years'. One of the worst moments for me supporting the club Tbf, the only player you could applaud that day was Given. Despite conceding 5 goals, it could have been much worse had it not been for Shay. We were literally looking at the prospect of a cricket score.
  15. Hughton basically developed a system which was perfect for Carroll. Simply put, the system was built around him.
  16. Sifu

    Sam Allardyce

    Reading that article, it's clear that he's feeling the pressure. This will probably lead to him fucking up their promotion chances (hopefully). If they lose to Reading, they're resigned to finishing in the playoff positions imo.
  17. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    In any case, should be an interesting battle between Ben Arfa and Enrique on Sunday. One thing's for sure, it'll be more interesting than the Obertan-Enrique "battle" we witnessed in December.
  18. Sifu


    Richard Dunne will inevitably bring his "own-goal scoring exploits" to the mackems. Sign him up, Martin.
  19. Sifu

    Players in public

    Ha! Yeah, I can imagine that situation being quite awkward!
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