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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Huh, what? They're actually trying to sign Kieran Richardson?!
  2. PhysioRoom.com Ltd @physioroom #Pardew will give #Obertan a late fitness test, but the former #MUFC player is expected to play some part tonight @NUFCofficial
  3. I'm all for an attacking midfielder, can he play on the wing?
  4. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    He'll probably still travel up to St. James' and have a few bevvies with our lads afterwards. Cups of tea?
  5. Sifu

    St James' Park

    That looks terrible Might look better on the TV/in person (hopefully).
  6. Sifu

    St James' Park

    Think this would be an alright strip. Wouldn't mind if we saw this tonight. Though for some reason, I'll miss have Northern Rock on our strips
  7. Maybe because it's Man U, he'll have the performance of his life tonight? [/clutchingatstraws]
  8. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    He'll probably still travel up to St. James' and have a few bevvies with our lads afterwards.
  9. A loan would do me (although not with Ashley I suspect).
  10. Well one thing I've got is that my Man U supporting mate isn't looking forward to this game and reckons we could get something tonight.
  11. Heard him on 5live recently, nice bloke. Seems to be doing alright. Aye married a local girl and still lives in Newcastle i think........gotta love that. Doesn't he own a bakery or am I making this up? He had a crepe
  12. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Well there were stories about Pardew having an "attention-to-detail" approach when it came to analysing the opposition. After such an analysis, he would then find the appropriate tactics to handle said team. I still like to think this is so but the recent direct football is still puzzling mind.
  13. Heard him on 5live recently, nice bloke. Seems to be doing alright. Aye married a local girl and still lives in Newcastle i think........gotta love that. Doesn't he own a bakery or am I making this up?
  14. Isn't Gignac overweight and quite frankly doesn't give a s*** about football anymore? EDIT: just seen this:
  15. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Just caught up with the thread. So it seems that the quotes from the Sun are similar to those in Le Parisien. The Chronicle has a more positive spin to this situation so that's somewhat reassuring. It is somewhat worrying what Ben Arfa has mentioned about Pardew favouring "direct football" and all that. But I definitely still have faith/trust in Pardew to do the right thing in the end. We most certainly played a passing game in the early part of the season and it's definitely still somewhat there (that brief spell of possession in the Liverpool game). Ben Arfa is the key to us having a passing game again methinks. The more direct style we've had in recent games could be down to Pardew himself losing his confidence or even panicking a bit. I guess you could say that losing to Chelsea changed something in Pardew. Having said that Pardew has talked about Ben Arfa and the number 10 role in recent times and that is as good as an indicator as any really of his intent to try and play a proper passing game in the future. Really, pre-season wasn't the best of times in that Pardew couldn't actually experiment with formations and different systems which would have presumably involved Ben Arfa as the focal point. I, for one, can see Ben Arfa certainly getting more chances this year. I guess he is handling Ben Arfa in a way that would make the lad even more motivated to prove himself. If the lad doesn't get a chance when Ba goes to the ACoN, then that's when I'll start asking serious questions. I honestly don't think there's a rift behind the scenes. I trust Pardew to make the right call..... (Oh and thought I'd mention Simon Bird is a c*** again )
  16. Sifu

    St James' Park

    I'd be content with Virgin (Money) tbh. Looks like "St. James' Park" will somehow find its way into the new stadium name too if Virgin do indeed take the rights. Hope so anyway. Some great ITK from Rocker
  17. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I would'nt bet on it....... Best-Ameobi is my bet. Pardew did say a couple of weeks ago that Ben Arfa could be the one to "fill Ba's boots" when he's away. Did'nt Pardew say he would'nt sell Carroll, didnt he say we would play football and the side would be built around Ben Arfa.... etc etc? Not saying it wont happen but iam not in the business in believing Pardew's word is gospel. Sorry for all this negativity guys, but all this Ben Arfa and Santon on the bench everyweek is starting to get to me Definitely didn't say this like. Pardew's comments of late have been bizarre to say the least tbh. But I definitely still have faith in Pardew mind.
  18. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I would'nt bet on it....... Best-Ameobi is my bet. Pardew did say a couple of weeks ago that Ben Arfa could be the one to "fill Ba's boots" when he's away.
  19. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Nonetheless, it's a more positive sounding piece than the one in the Sun.
  20. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    If he doesn't start the Man U game then surely he'll get his "proper" chance when Ba goes off to the ACoN?
  21. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    A little preview of the Chronicle tomorrow:
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