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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Ah right, well he does love Liverpool so unsurprising to hear that tbh.
  2. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Don't think so but there is a rumour that Arsenal want him. Wouldn't be surprised if he has put a transfer request tbh mainly because he probably thinks he's better than he actually is.
  3. Always has been. What's he done/said now?
  4. Right, admittedly my French is slightly rusty (so apologies to those who spot any errors in my translation) but this is my summary of Cabaye's interview: - He was asked about the Christmas/New Year period in the English football calendar and how such a busy period went/going for him. He says he's enjoying it. - About our goal against Liverpool, he said that he doesn't really know what happened after he headed it on. All he knew was that it went in (I'm assuming that he doesn't really know who scored really). - The presenters played some commentary of his goal for us in the Wigan game. He commented that it was an important goal and that the goal, being his first for the club, made him happy. - He was asked about the tackle on Spearing. Responded saying that he concedes that it wasn't a good tackle and Pardew told Cabaye that action against him for the tackle (from the FA presumably) could yet before tomorrow but as it stands, Cabaye will be fine to face Man U. The presenter then said that the incident could have been due to fatigue, pressure and tension. Cabaye says that there has certainly been fatigue and all that but he ends by saying "we'll see". [Edit: turns out I misheard this bit before, think it has been corrected now]. - Regarding the match tomorrow, he knows it's going to be a big one, it has the potential to be a great game. - Mentions that in England, the players don't go to the stadium until 6pm. In France, they apparently go to the stadium (for an evening game) in the afternoon, the presenters found it a bit bizarre. - Was asked if by coming to NUFC, he'll be in a position to be a regular in the French national team. He says he doesn't know because the PL is a completely different league to the French league so he still needs to adapt before he's at his best. All he can atm is work normally and see what happens. - A listener (a Lille supporter) called in and asked the following two questions: 1) What would his position be in midfield in the French national team? 2) Does he, from time to time, think about life after Newcastle? --> In answer to the first question, Cabaye says that he has played in several different systems, so he can play anywhere in centre-midfield really - the main thing is actually being in the team. --> And in answer to the second question, he says he honestly doesn't think about life after NUFC. The important thing is what happens now, so the main thing is concentrating to play to the best of his ability so that good things can happen here. It's a long road to becoming a really successful team but he's going to try his best to get there while he's here. - And finally, Cabaye was asked about Ben Arfa. He says that it's a good thing for everyone that Ben Arfa's back due to his ability; scored a good goal against Bolton and as long as Hatem concentrates in training and on what he does, he'll be a massive asset to the team. Sounded as if Cabaye is pretty much certain that Ben Arfa is now ready to play instead of being "a joker in the pack" (presumably a wild card we can play).
  5. Sifu

    Darlington FC

    Not looking good for Darlo like.
  6. Embarrassing and pathetic statement from Liverpool there.
  7. Decent enough piece from ToonTalk on the last page. I won't write him off completely just yet but it does look as if he's still not ready for PL football. I appreciate the fact from the management's point of view that he won't learn about the trade if he doesn't start. But the fact is that he's simply not doing it on the pitch yet and as a consequence should not be an automatic starter. The lad clearly needs a lot of coaching and I mean a lot! He simply needs to learn how to be an effective winger and how to use his attributes especially his pace effectively. One on one coaching and finding ways to improve his game/approach (be it through DVDs of other players or whatever) could be the best route to go imo. He needs to know what he's doing wrong and how to correct himself. However, so far it looks as if he's not learning anything. Confidence is also an issue for the lad and that is something you can't really teach. IMO, the best approach, for now, is to use him as an impact player coming from the bench. This will ultimately allow him to run at tiring players which hopefully will result in something positive (an assist/goal). This would do his confidence a lot of good. Great cameo appearances will probably help him feel more confident about life in the PL (and himself) and it should be at this stage when he could think about being an important first team player.
  8. I'm on it. EDIT: expect something later on tonight.....
  9. Still though, Best being offside 19 times is quite high. The thing is as well is that he's always seems to be miles off.
  10. Sifu

    Loan deals

    We definitely don't make good use of the loan system re: outgoings. Even when we do loan players out, it tends to be right down the divisions which is not as much use as the likes of Arsenal, Spurs, Man Utd loaning players to other Premier League clubs and getting top flight experience. Have we ever loaned a player to another Premier League club other than the dreaded Lua Lua incident? Robert to Portsmouth?
  11. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    Finally seen the incident. A harsh red card imo. There was a little bit of contact though so I guess as is the rules these days, any sort of contact on a player off the ball is deemed as "violent conduct".
  12. I have no idea what its saying but the pictures cracked me up Same
  13. Great potential, never really fulfilled. Interesting. Would he have what it takes to play in the PL/can he fulfill his talent here?
  14. Sifu

    Alan Smith

    I remember being somewhat proud at the time It was mainly because it was a Newcastle United frontline starting upfront for England.
  15. Woop, I'm looking forward to his interviews already
  16. Simon "Cunt" Bird is at it again I see.
  17. Ah I missed this thread (not). Should we expect tweets from cwarr07?
  18. Sifu

    Loan deals

    A couple of loan deals couldn't hurt like. I'm all for loans mainly because they would provide much needed cover in some positions. A permanent signing and a loan or two would do me this January.....
  19. Sifu

    Alan Smith

    It was the England-Brazil game where the front 2 was indeed Smith and Owen (it was also the first senior England international match at the new Wembley!). It was England - Germany where both started as strikers and where Owen missed some clear chances. Wasn't that the first at new Wembley? Nope, it was the England-Brazil game which was the first senior international at the new Wembley. I remember it because I was invited to the game by a couple of mates, couldn't make it though because I had an exam the next morning. Booo.
  20. Just seen this update on Obertan, all I can say is, f***'s sake! FWIW, I'm basically of the same opinion as Dave: There is literally nothing else but an injury to Obertan that will force Pardew to make changes to the personnel/system.
  21. Sifu

    Alan Smith

    It was the England-Brazil game where the front 2 was indeed Smith and Owen (it was also the first senior England international match at the new Wembley!).
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