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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Alan Smith

    Don't do it Pards, Smith has to be let go!
  2. Sifu

    Alan Smith

    Solid pairing tbh
  3. Sifu

    Alan Smith

    So it's actually happening? :celb:
  4. Sifu

    Alan Smith

    See ya Alan. we'll still be paying the majority of his pay. Indeed, by releasing him early, he'll still have a generous payoff........
  5. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    Anyone watch the "50 Most Annoying People of 2011" the other night? In a separate list to the main 50, Joey was voted the most annoying Twitter-er
  6. I don't mind when we get a CB as long as it's this month. I'm more than happy to have Williamson and Coloccini as the first choice CB pairing from now until the end of the season. By saying this though, I guess I'm wanting a CB who will primarily act as cover....
  7. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    piersmorgan Piers Morgan @ @Joey7Barton as much contact as Gervinho made with you when you got him sent off?
  8. In the end, both parties (us and Nolan) benefited.
  9. I don't want him or West Ham doing well. The former is a but pathetic really. He did positive things here, I wish him all the best. Bit sad that attitude if you ask me. Aye. I wish Nolan nothing but goodwill like.
  10. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    Any chance he'll appeal the sending off? (He'll probably try and claim that it wasn't anything really - the typical "footballers squaring up to one another" thing).
  11. This is a no go tbh (for now anyway).
  12. Yep. His best position (in Pardew's current system anyway) is probably on the left wing. Though really Sammy is more of an winger-come-striker type I think.
  13. Still pretty confident we won't sell anyone this month. Also pretty sure we'll sign someone too.
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