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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    The press certainly do a good job in overrating players. I like Bale, he's a good player imo but he's nowhere near the level of George Best man.
  2. Sifu

    LOL at Lolro

    It is all the 'keepers' fault tbf It'll be Krul's fault when Liverpool don't qualify for Europe this season.
  3. The licence fee has been frozen for the last few years or so. They might have to increase it if the BBC wants to keep MOTD tbh
  4. Same actually I've enjoyed these last 12 pages!
  5. Pardew won't start Santon IMO. tbh. Can definitely see it being Raylor after his assist on Monday. Which is why Simpson should be making way. There is no reason on earth he should be starting ahead of Santon. You know my feelings about Simpson so I'll just leave at that......
  6. As some people have said, how about a simple highlights show? As in, no pundits but just commentators/reporters and one presenter à la ITV's Championship.
  7. James Collins? No thanks. As we all know, we do need a defender but Collins? Nah. He was probably one of the 50 that was offered to us a few weeks ago
  8. Pardew won't start Santon IMO. tbh. Can definitely see it being Raylor after his assist on Monday.
  9. His good signing were cancelled out by Andreas Andersson, Des Hamilton, Stephane Guivarch, his pensioner mates Rush and Barnes, his son etc, compounded by selling Ferdinand, Beardsley, Ginola, Asprilla, Clark. From 5 of the best attacking talents around to 1, when the 1 left inevitably got injured we were relying on Andreas f***ing Andersson and John Barnes was top scorer with 6 goals. From 2nd place and title challenges to 13th and 4 points above relegation. From probably the most entertaining team in Europe to the dullest in the league. From 70 goals a season to half that, yet despite the dour football we conceded more aswell. Some going in a year. TBF to Dourgliesh IIRC we pretty much gave up in the league once we'd won the Cup semi-final and were never in danger of going down. Still a massive f***ing fall though, his son f***ing weapons grade horseshit that lad. Easily one of the worst players I've seen in the kit. Paul fucking Dalglish Didn't he score at least a goal for us though?
  10. Sifu

    Striker Shortlist...

    As long as the potential new owner(s) isn't/aren't like the Venkys.........
  11. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    message is pretty clear sadly "open for business" Covering his tracks after what happened last January with Carroll really ("not for sale", "they can put any bid they want, Andy's not for sale".........£35 million bid accepted )
  12. Just caught up with the thread. The Dream Team discussion
  13. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    for the sake of himself and his reputation I hope he says no. He has been training with the club recently (presumably to keep his fitness up). The article actually mentioned that Henry would act as cover while Chamakh and Gervinho are at the ACoN. Can see him saying yes tbh.
  14. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    According to the Daily Mail, Arsenal have offered Thierry Henry a two-month loan deal.
  15. Hasn't accepted mine yet, damnit. But i guess he's already been lurking around on this forum knowing that if you post/chat with him he wont have to spend the whole day reading it as it's mostly just a smiley or very short. Sorry Sifu Wasn't very funny. To say im sorry you should come to Mexico in februari, i'll buy you a pint. Deal? Well played sir
  16. He's obviously too excited to go to bed
  17. Just sent him a link to this thread (if he hasn't already looked at it.......) on Facebook.
  18. Jamais The French love us really. St. James' Park is known as the place where French players can revive/reignite their careers.
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