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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Same but £4 million for a player out of contract come the end of the season is a bit too much like. Won't he be allowed to talk to other clubs in January in any case or am I thinking of FM again...... Not sure British clubs can. Ah right. Well, I reckon that at most we should be looking to offer £2 million in any case.
  2. Same but £4 million for a player out of contract come the end of the season is a bit too much like. Won't he be allowed to talk to other clubs in January in any case or am I thinking of FM again......
  3. Sifu


    Actually, now that Bruce is gone, will Gyan now decide to give the mackems another chance?
  4. Sifu

    St James' Park

    Good man wor Pardew is. Says all the right things pretty much all the time. he's always done that. we all do that, just now we listen out for it more. Indeed.
  5. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Nice one Ronaldo.
  6. I'll keep a close eye on Ireland's progress like. Want them to do well! They're definitely the underdogs which, you never know, could work in their favour! But as pointed out before, the prospect of Whelan/Andrews up against Xavi/Iniesta.......ha!
  7. Reet, Hernandez and Walters in; Suarez and Modric out.
  8. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    He does come out with some weird stuff from time to time but he does say the right things most of the time. So I'm not particularly worried as such.
  9. Sifu


    Our very own OCK iirc.
  10. Thanks midds, brilliant stuff
  11. Sifu


    Bruce must have had some great lawyers when discussing that contract.
  12. Sifu

    St James' Park

    Good man wor Pardew is. Says all the right things pretty much all the time.
  13. Sifu


    £7 million payoff?
  14. Really liked that shirt too
  15. I'm still going to go with a 2-1 win to us. It's going to be a close game imo so wouldn't mind a draw either like.
  16. Really? That's not bad at all.
  17. Group C is the "Group of Debt".
  18. Not a bad group for us really.
  19. Nah. We get a s*** group then struggle through, get knocked out immediately after. Pretty much
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