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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Nice analysis by ITV's carefully assembled pundits
  2. Well that was a bit pointless (the Gabriel Clarke thing just now).
  3. Sifu


    Aye, I agree with that. Bar Van Persie, Arsenal don't have a proper striker really. Park Chu Young isn't getting a look in either.
  4. This City game will be shit I reckon.
  5. Vieira is the "Football Development Executive" for City. When did this happen?
  6. On ITV1. ffs why are ITV allowed to cover football at all If they actually employed some decent commentators/pundits, then it would actually be decent coverage.
  7. Most pointless and shite stat of the day: @OptaJoe73.5 - Michael Owen has scored a goal every 73.5 minutes for Manchester United in the Champions League. Opportunity.
  8. Sifu


    To be fair to Bent, he was playing with an injury for a few games iirc. and he has McLeish a horrendous manager when it comes to attacking play
  9. Sifu


    Pretty much agree with this. Bent is a no doubt good at what does, ie. goalscoring (though his form has dipped a bit) but he's actually quite a limited footballer.
  10. http://images.sportinglife.com/09/08/330/David-Edgar_2341874.jpg He did score against man utd. haha. To be fair to him he was alot better than Paul Huntington. He didnt mess around with his hair as much. I still remember Roeder's reaction when Edgar scored against Man U
  11. My mackem school friend was insisting we were going to get relegated even until a few weeks ago. He's normally quite sensible as well. Thankfully all my mackem mates are sound and do speak sense 95% of the time. However, my Man U supporting mate talks bollocks 95% of the time when it comes to NUFC (still a canny lad like).
  12. Just remembered something both my mackem mate and Man U supporting mate (I know, I know) said to me back in July: "Demba Ba is a terrible signing, he won't score goals." Fools.
  13. A realistic target for Lionel tbf.
  14. The Sky Sports commentator for the Stoke game said at full time that "we are now a team that should be taken seriously" (something along those lines anyway). Otherwise, media outlets just want to find an excuse for us having a great run. We are there on merit, enough said.
  15. Wow. That is indeed complete madness!
  16. Sifu


    Sessegnon is a decent player like. I have doubts about his consistency though.
  17. Sifu

    Peter Løvenkrands

    As some of you have said, it is probably best for all parties that he moves on. He has definitely been a great servant to the club. He did a fantastic job/played a key role for us in the Championship and people shouldn't forget that.
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