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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. I will cling to this in the hope of a win on Saturday. Need all the omens we can get on the back of the news that Remy, Debuchy and Ben Arfa not playing.
  2. Theatrical as ever from Robben.
  3. Bit of a lenient punishment imho. Really thought they would make an example of him. Ah well, hope the cunt learns from this (which is doubtful).
  4. Is the correct answer. I'd much rather spend my days as a binman than play for the mackems. Morals come into play really.
  5. Sifu

    Dan Gosling

    Townsend did get a suspension mind. oh no what will we do We're going to miss his runs/slips into the box like. The entertainment value has gone. Sheer idiocy from him for this btw. Fine and ban on the way.
  6. Total ban from football seems to be what the media want. Personally that would too over the top. My feeling is stadium ban for the rest of the season and a very heavy fine for Pardew.
  7. City just have to do things the hard way don't they?
  8. Sifu


    I really do like how that image has bit them on the arse. Karma marra.
  9. Sifu

    Players in public

    They didn't look too hammered in Shark Club, looked as if Gosling and Elliot were in deep conversation about something. Maybe Pardew.
  10. Sifu

    Players in public

    Gosling and Elliot at Shark Club. Elliot's Mrs looks bored.
  11. My workmates keep calling him "Pards" to wind me up. Tbf to them, it's working.
  12. Doing mint IMO http://www.sunderlandecho.com/webimage/1.6412562.1391276722!/image/908349037.jpg_gen/derivatives/articleImgDeriv_628px/908349037.jpg Why did you have to post a picture of that cunt?! Newcastle fan my fucking arse.
  13. Sifu

    Players in public

    Don't think so, the owner of Tenji is in massive debt atm (gambling habits unfortunately) so doubt he would have another business (he also owned Cheeky Duck but that's gone now). So aye, downward spiral it seems. Ahh right, I was getting my info from a lad at work like so it's probably wrong. He opened a Cheeky Duck in Malaysia too which also went to shit. The "big bosses" in Chinatown aren't best pleased with him atm...
  14. Sifu

    The England Thread

    I honestly believe Ferguson ruined him (his striker/number 9 instinct) when he started playing Rooney deep.
  15. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Alcohol and good company is what kept me going through this game. Play like that in the World Cup and we'll get slaughtered.
  16. Sifu

    Players in public

    Don't think so, the owner of Tenji is in massive debt atm (gambling habits unfortunately) so doubt he would have another business (he also owned Cheeky Duck but that's gone now). So aye, downward spiral it seems.
  17. Stadium ban for the rest of the season seems to be the most likely sanction for the cunt imo. The FA will want to make an example of him so that it curbs others from doing the same in the future. Big John Carver barking instructions for the rest of the season it is (and tbh, I really do believe Carver is going to do well out there - the players seem to respect him a lot more than Pardew).
  18. I particularly liked seeing a distraught Jack Colback. Fuck off you cunt.
  19. Fuuuck you. He deserves it. Wholeheartedly concur.
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