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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Loïc Remy

    If anything, Remy's got more out of his spell here than us. He's sold himself very well here and will have a pick of many clubs this summer. As ever, we were just a stepping stone.
  2. Quite a lot of thick people amongst our lot isn't there?
  3. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Not the strictest of Muslims mind.
  4. Have no idea of who he is... But i'd have him ahead if Pardew without doubt. You really wouldn't like Aye, he's one of the last people you'd want...a very dour man and really struggled in the PL with Derby all those years ago (having said that he did mastermind a win against us...f***ing Allardyce).
  5. Sifu

    Papiss Cissé

    His best performance of the season so far - he was making all the right runs, getting into the right positions and his linkup play was decent. It has to be said though, it was frustrating as fuck to see him miss chance after chance today but was glad and relieved to see him get that goal (mind you, I didn't know how to react when he scored - a bit of joy and laughter rolled into one I think). I sincerely hope he does push on from here but I've said that on more than one occasion (after his previous droughts) and my hope becomes frustration and disappointment.
  6. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I refuse to believe that's real bitter c***s Aye, no-one is that retarded unless they've got a fucking agenda.
  7. Olympiakos need a nice early goal in the second half.
  8. The following will happen: we'll release Shola from his contract; he'll then have a fair few trials here and there, however, no club will ultimately sign him - whilst this is all going on, we'll sign no-one and we'll end up re-signing Shola on a rolling contract which will eventually lead to a new long term contract. Carlton Cole logic.
  9. I love a bit of consistency like.
  10. Was considering on going to Anfield in May for us vs them. I may not now if there's a semblance of a chance that a win against us would seal the title.
  11. Today's showing has cheered me right up after our shitness yesterday. The longer this continues for Man U the better.
  12. Just got back from London. What a long day that was and what a shite, boring and unexciting game that was. Both teams were just atrocious - Fulham were shite but we managed to be even shitter which is a mean feat in itself. On the balance of play, we deserved to lose that - apart from Cisse's two chances, we did fuck all. We definitely missed Remy today - we were very toothless in attack without him and that is a very worrying sign, what the fuck are we going to do next season without him? I fear the worst tbh. On the plus side though, Fulham is a nice area and I enjoyed the walk along Thames Path, especially on such a nice day weather-wise.
  13. Sifu

    Adam Armstrong

    Got a good reception when he came on and his name was pretty much the only thing our fans sung for the last 5 minutes or so.
  14. Sifu

    Papiss Cissé

    Why Papiss? Why? That chance man! Seeing him play nowadays makes for sad viewing really. It's quite a large fall from grace.
  15. That's another trip to London that hasn't gone well for me. London voodoo well and truly in force.
  16. Sifu

    Loïc Remy

    Absolutely toothless without him.
  17. Anyone want to meet my good self at a pub near Putney Bridge?
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