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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Maradona put him at right back... Did you see any of the matches where he played right back then? >_>
  2. Sifu

    Football pet hates

    I usually switch off mentally when the "pundits" begin their "match analysis". This is more the case with Sky Sports/ITV, I have time for Alan Hansen on MOTD tbh (the best out of the current BBC crop imo).
  3. Will it be available for Android?
  4. I see, yeah striker-wise you're looking decent for the future (and indeed the present) I reckon.
  5. be a miss for them good player meanwhile Bests not in the squad for the next 2 games Scandalous. Traps rather set in his ways and goes with the guys who have done well for him in past games, though its getting to the point where Keane should think of retiring from international football Really?
  6. The early signs aren't good for Ruiz, though I reckon he'll come good eventually....
  7. be a miss for them good player meanwhile Bests not in the squad for the next 2 games Scandalous.
  8. Looking forward to Spurs game personally.
  9. Sifu


    odd they ain't playing blackburn or us any time soon Just supporting his local team. Ha, indeed.
  10. Sifu


    Wonder if Bruce enjoyed our game today (he was at St. James').
  11. Thought I heard something sounding like that
  12. Carroll should have scored there.
  13. A foul could have been given on another day imo.
  14. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Sounds like it was the guy who recorded the video.
  15. Sifu

    St James' Park

    Aye. Though haven't seen the new sign in the flesh myself but I can imagine it looking as s***/worse in real life as it does in the photos.
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