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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Like most of you have said, I'm hoping that we'll play 4-5-1 (or a variation on 4-3-3) tomorrow. We'll simply do shite with a simple 4-4-2.
  2. Sifu

    Fabio Zamblera

    He had good finishing stats on FM2009 (something like 15/16).
  3. Everyones first two scratched surely? Not sure who else should be taken out though. So if Saylor or Colo get injured, we have Danny Simpson to cover and that is it :embarassed: God forbid.....
  4. It's a somewhat positive spin on it?
  5. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    He should go on Celebrity Apprentice tbh.
  6. Sifu

    U23s & Academy

    Go on, what do you want to discuss about this player 99% of us know bollocks all about and probably won't for 5-6 years? His name almost sounds like a really hardcore razor, erm, he's a defender isn't he? Think he might be black. Pretty much covered it now. He won the Jack Hixon trophy last year. And I think that's it....
  7. Sifu

    U23s & Academy

    Hmmm, let's see...... - How we need him to start against Villa on Saturday after Ryan Taylor's atrocious performance against QPR on Monday (before his injury of course) - How we need him to step up to the plate and be our first choice LB - How we're looking forward to seeing him play - His credentials (Champions League football and plenty of first team experience with Inter) and how they may or may not make him look promising Now Remie Streete, he's a promising youngster aye but he's nowhere near the first team man.
  8. Sifu


    Sounds about right.
  9. Fucking typical eh? Fuck sake
  10. Sifu


    If he shows his feed to the police he'd be the one to get locked away.
  11. Mind you, I didn't know the "new" button existed until a few months ago I've been registered here for about 6 years (most of them lurking) and thought I knew how the forum worked and all that. Clearly not
  12. Some threads will be like that unfortunately. Nowt you can do but persist (which I don't mind doing personally).
  13. There is, just click on "New". I thought new tried to take you to the point in a thread that you have read up to. I was talking about the scenario where I have not read a thread for a long time. Something significant occurs and I want to start reading from that point. I doubt this would be possible as how would a button know where the significant new event started. Take the st James thread. It's interesting for a while but then turns into a bit of a yawn. Then the thread is updated to say there is a new image. Now I'm interested again. But I have to search the thread for the images. Hope this isn't taken the wrong way. I'm only casual browser just pointing out what can be frustrating. Aye, click on "new". I click on new on a thread that I have not read and it takes me to a post from Tuesday. Which is the whole point of "new", it takes you back to when the original "new post" was posted. Take today, if you clicked "new" on the Davide Santon thread having not been online at all today, it would have taken you to the "new post"/update that he had a knee injury.
  14. There is, just click on "New". I thought new tried to take you to the point in a thread that you have read up to. I was talking about the scenario where I have not read a thread for a long time. Something significant occurs and I want to start reading from that point. I doubt this would be possible as how would a button know where the significant new event started. Take the st James thread. It's interesting for a while but then turns into a bit of a yawn. Then the thread is updated to say there is a new image. Now I'm interested again. But I have to search the thread for the images. Hope this isn't taken the wrong way. I'm only casual browser just pointing out what can be frustrating. Aye, click on "new".
  15. Full time. Unlucky for Birmingham tbh, might have been a different game if Rooney had scored that early chance they had.
  16. 2-1 in the Birmingham game. King.
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