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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Excellent, the club are taking the necessary steps to make themselves look like petty idiots again.
  2. So Pardew and Coloccini have trolled us all, is this some sort of new mind game that they've agreed to play with the rest of football or have the Argentinians come up with a new regenerative technique that they're unwilling to share with modern medicine? :cheesy2: It goes without saying though, it would be a massive boost if he does make it for the derby. Let's hope he passes his fitness test.
  3. Sifu

    Paul Dummett

    Anyone else read that in a slightly angry tone *NO MORE GOALS".gif On another note, didn't Pardew say he wanted to see a goalscoring CB? Dummett has so far fit the bill (despite him being a LB!).
  4. As ever, currently fine about this but come Sunday, will be sweating buckets.
  5. I rate him so I hope we do. We certainly need more pace upfront and he would fit the profile like. However, if we do sign Remy on a permanent deal though, can see us not even bothering with Long, would be a nice thought though, would certainly be a better option than Shola (although that's not too hard to achieve).
  6. I'm sure there's nothing sinister going on but this is news I didn't want to read/hear especially on the back of the shitstorm that happened last season. Meh, I won't comment on this any further - there's no point really, we can speculate all we want but at the end of the day the speculation will do us no good, we just have to concentrate on more pressing issues, namely the Derby this Sunday. When Colo comes back, that's great but until then we'll have to work with what we've got.
  7. I've seen enough of Marveaux that tells me that he's a neat, tidy player and is one you would have in the squad, purely because of his creativity. For me, we only really see his best form when he gets a consistent run of games - the only way imo to get the best out of him is to play him week in, week out - it would help his confidence and helps him to get his groove on. We definitely saw a bit of this last season when he was getting his games, he became our main creative outlet more or less (especially when Cabaye and Ben Arfa were out injured). After an indifferent start this season though, he has really fallen down the pecking order (pretty obvious that Sammy is now ahead of him) and that is a shame to see really.
  8. Redbull Arena would be fine with me as long as we we're benefiting on the pitch from the investment. Personally I draw the line at change of team colours/name/badge. If that happened, we cease to be imo. Yep, we simply wouldn't be Newcastle United anymore - I'd probably give up football altogether if that happened.
  9. Don't worry, you're not alone. Never liked Gerrard. Good player but like Carragher, he somehow has that bit of cuntedness in him.
  10. That's what I thought the other day. If France miss out on the World Cup, then what do our players have to work towards this season? A move away? Meh, best not to think about it for now I think. On another note, Cabaye was immense today - he didn't stop running and never gave up the cause. He and Tiote controlled the midfield rather effectively (for the first 40 minutes anyway) and what a goal, although we all know he is very capable of goals like those Long may this form continue.
  11. I don't know what to make of Williamson now. He's come in from the abyss and has done a solid enough job for two and a half games and this is from a player who clearly has limitations as a footballer. We all know he has a mistake in him but you can't knock him for his professionalism and his decent performances of late. One theory I've had in the past is that Williamson does well in a team which is also doing well (ie, a team whose head doesn't drop when things go wrong) and it seems to be happening once again. As it stands, I think he's an assured starter.
  12. I know he couldn't have done much else but ultimately you're asking for trouble when you do something like that in the penalty area so it is "idiocy" in that respect.
  13. One of his best performances in recent times like bar a few dodgy moments. Thought he and Cabaye commanded the midfield well enough (certainly in the first 40 minutes anyway) - reminded me of their CM performance against Man U in Janaury 2012. He needs to be told one thing though - to stop having a shot outside the 18 yard box.
  14. Well, that was a shame, he had a decent game before that moment of idiocy. Still think we have a great player in the working there - that is, when he fully adapts to the PL (à la Colo hopefully), he'll be an asset for us. Sincerely hope his mental strength holds up and his confidence isn't too shattered from that, especially when it was his first game since he had that nightmare performance against Everton - it's all down to him though but think he needs some sort of arm around his shoulder.
  15. Sifu

    Paul Dummett

    Really pleased for the lad I literally screamed when he scored. What a nice (and confident) finish.
  16. Brilliant result given the circumstances. Such a battling, resilient performance and the arguably the best we've played this season. We were the better team in the first half and it was a deserved goal on our part when Cabaye scored. We could have easily switched off when Yanga-Mbiwa got sent off (especially considering our history of heads dropping when something negative happens to us during a game) but we didn't and that really was pleasing to see, we kicked on and battled through - is the pride and team spirit finally coming back? Really pleased for Dummett today, he took his goal so well - a nice, confident finish. Considering we were all expecting a hammering before a ball was even kicked today, I'd say this is a brilliant point, it really does feel like a win. Proud of the lads today. (Btw, BT Sport is f***ing s****).
  17. Something tells me I might accidentally "sleep in" tomorrow.
  18. Sifu

    The England Thread

    The media have already started derailing the England team in any way possible I see, what a surprise - as ever a comment has been taken out of context.
  19. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Was a nice, open enough game yesterday. The amount of space that was given to Poland on the counter attack was worrying mind, any good team would have punished England for that (reminded me of NUFC). Job done though and now it's the case of properly turning up next year. No more shit tournaments.
  20. Owen is no doubt going to talk shite too. Dreading this a lot like, an early goal for Liverpool is pretty much game over.
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