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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. I should really make some transfers, haven't done anything to my team since the season started.
  2. He's the same level as Gosling for me, too many players ahead of him to really get any sort of a chance. Best bet would be both going out on a long term loan tbh. He'd still be useful from the bench from time to time but I'm very indifferent about him now. My willingness to give him a chance has fallen quite dramatically (same with Gosling).
  3. Baines will annihilate us with his set pieces. Meh.
  4. Two squandered chances aside, he did what he was supposed to do when we brought him on - running at a tiring defence. Mind you, he's fast becoming a lost cause for us.
  5. Reading this thread today made me sad but it basically just confirms what most of us knew really - that we'll get fucking nowhere with that cunt as our owner. The man has no ambition and is treating us with the utmost contempt. Fuck off.
  6. Sifu

    Loïc Remy

    We better fucking follow through with this (provided he's innocent of course...).
  7. Sifu

    Players in public

    It's called being French darling. Just passing on information from my mate - he was one of Marveaux's fans but now he doesn't particularly like Sylvain anymore.
  8. Sifu


    That would be perfect like.
  9. Sifu

    Players in public

    Sammy, Obertan and Marveaux were spotted out and about at Tup Tup on Saturday with Marveaux having a somewhat arrogant demeanour...
  10. Sifu


    We all knew this was going to end in tears, ludicrous appointment to begin with. In any case, at least Di Canio's overall "management" of the mackems has made me laugh a bit.
  11. Sifu


    Of course they will, the fuckers.
  12. Sifu


    Ah this is much too soon!
  13. He does have his moments granted and his (surprising) lack of pace does hinder him but I still rate him more highly than Simpson. Still early to judge him properly, this season is a big one for him, he needs to consistently have performances like Villa week in, week out.
  14. We've now resorted to Simpson love I see...don't get me wrong, I would have kept Simpson on as backup (and I thought he was a decent enough defender) but think some people are going a bit over the top about Debuchy. Last season was a bit of a mare for all the players and that is not a decent judge of a new signing. I'm going to give Debuchy my full support like and he's still my first choice RB, his performance against Villa just shows that he is more than a capable defender.
  15. Not getting relegated (and we wont) was always the goal. Finish upper midtable will do me. Same here, oh how our ambition has fallen...
  16. I'd rather have Saylor at RB, I think thats his stronger position. No it's not.
  17. Sifu

    Papiss Cissé

    How long did it take him to score his first goal last season?
  18. Definitely a hint of complacency today amongst the players, they probably thought that after going 1-0 up so early on and because they were doing relatively well attacking wise up until half time that we could cruise through. Big mistake.
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