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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. The fans ruin everything.
  2. Sifu

    Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas N-O hope everyone has a brilliant day!
  3. Sifu

    Merry Christmas!

    Did Debuchy say "merry christmas for THE fan" f***ing hell can he count? :lol: Tbf to him, he's still probably learning the language and the French don't add S's to the end of words. Tiote did the same just there too.
  4. Didn't he do that last time? Yep and blamed them entirely for the loss at Bordeaux.
  5. I'm (surprisingly) not worried. Really cannot see Cabaye leaving this January - he needs to be playing consistently in the lead up to the World Cup (something we can guarantee) and I cannot see him getting that at PSG, certainly not in the middle of the season.
  6. Hate to say it but all credit to the Scousers and Rodgers for being top of the table at Christmas time. Of course, there's that argument that without Suarez they wouldn't be in such a high position but you can apply that argument with all teams really (for instance, I'd say that without Remy's goals, we would be midtable). Whether or not they'll maintain such a position is entirely down to Rodgers - any sort of psychological event/pressure from the media and fans and we could see them slipping away from the top of PL table. Their continuing success is also down to Suarez's form - any dip and we could see them struggling a bit but unfortunately, I can see that c*** maintaining this form until the end of the season Oh boy, the above was difficult to type, really do not like writing good stuff about Liverpool and credit where credit is due... FWIW, the title is going to be City's this season (as long as they sort out their away form).
  7. I say no, never really rated him. Struck me as being very inconsistent when he played for Chelsea.
  8. To be in a better position now compared to where we were at this point in the 2011/12 season is nothing short of a great achievement, especially when you consider the pre-season pessimism from the majority of us. Of course, there's still that element of dodgyness in our gameplans here and there but really we just have to keep up (what is really) decent work and hope to f*** there's not another act of idiocy from Ashley and Kinnear.
  9. he's as confident on the ball as he is juggling an unpinned grenade Clearly you've all forgotten about his stepovers on the wing.
  10. Sifu


    Man U better not fuck up. The thought of the mackems in the League Cup Final is scary.
  11. Ireland did have that one shot against Man U tbf. Yep...
  12. Another failed project for Villas-Boas then. But having said that I honestly believe that given the time, Villas-Boas will get it right in the PL...with every mistake comes a lesson (you'd think so anyway, he seems to be an intelligent enough guy...).
  13. The thought of Aiden McGeady playing for us... *shudders*. Do not rate him whatsoever.
  14. Aye, sounds like it but find it strange that it's only the French press reporting it.
  15. Word by word, it's translated as: "Andre Villas-Boas would no longer be the coach of Tottenham" which makes no sense so it'll be translated as "will no longer be the coach".
  16. Basically means he's been sacked.
  17. Sifu

    Steven Taylor

    Willie McKay needs to fuck right off like. Fucking cunt.
  18. Even more than Beckham? That'll be some feat.
  19. For me, it was a classic case of a game of two halves. Thought we were great in the first half with some great football here and there and we deserved to go into the break in the lead. Having said that, we really should have been at least 2-0 up at the half time whistle imho - we certainly had the chances to do so. The way the second half went was typical of us really - as ever, we just could not take the initiative and that allowed Southampton to get back into it (and once again, it happened at St. James'). Southampton's changes at half time gave them that extra bit of life and rejuvenated them I thought (it freed up Rodriguez to attack at us anyway) and Pardew's response to that was a bit lacking. As time went on, we did bring back our first half form but too little too late imo. All in all and on the balance of play, I'd say a draw is a fair result but I just can't help but feel that we dropped 2 points here - it was on us to take the game to Southampton after going ahead but we simply failed to do so (though Remy should have really scored when their keeper made that mistake, that would have probably been enough for us to see the game out...).
  20. I work with a couple. My reaction has been "we beat a team below us in the league, so f***." I think it's having a worse effect than being smug. I work in Manchester so it makes the feeling all the better for me.
  21. Couldn't help but feel very smug at work today. Was great dishing it out at my Man U supporting workmates, might continue to do so all week actually
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