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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Because he's a cunt. Not surprised by that celebration at all.
  2. A MOTM peformance indeed. His superhuman reflexes are what pretty much assured the 3 points for us. Immense goalkeeping performance.
  3. Fantastic result considering our recent history at White Hart Lane. To put it simply, we were great in the first half and deserved our half time lead. One thing I really liked this week and last was our counterattacking - it was simple yet effective especially when you have the likes of Remy/Gouffran being the ones to drive us forward. Second half was forgettable like on our part (attacking-wise anyway) but we held firm and defended very well as a unit. Krul's performance is what arguably won us the points though - superhuman reflexes and essentially a brickwall in goal.
  4. I don't approve of this at all. Sure, they're shitting on Sky and all that but the disappearance of Champions League football from free-to-air television is going to be a sad day.
  5. Lennon headbutted Shearer's boot tbf...
  6. I may do this this time round considering I let yous down the last time...
  7. What? Really? Biggest laugh of the night so far (sad I know).
  8. Continuing mediocrity for the Republic then, shame.
  9. Will most certainly be buying the calendar and the book if/when it comes out. Top job geordie_b Also, did you decide on a name for your Lego model?
  10. For me, there has been that hint of increased positivity this season and that's basically down to us playing some decent football here and there (well, compared to at this point last season anyway). However, our inconsistency is really letting us down - you just never know which Newcastle United is going to turn up on the day. We're now 10 games in and we still haven't got an established formation/style to play to and that really is the primary contributing factor to our inconsistency and that is down to the man in charge - Pardew seems to know who our best players are but it has really looked the case that he doesn't know how to use them and gel them into a cohesive team - the fact that he admitted a few days ago that he doesn't know where to fit Ben Arfa, our most technically gifted player, into the team after working with him for the best part of 2 years speaks volumes like... All in all, an indifferent start to the season but if the current trend in our results/performances continue, it'll be mid-table with us pushing for 10th.
  11. it was almost perfect too to Remy iirc. Indeed. BT expert co-commentator Gary McAllister was adamant he was trying to chip the keeper Imagine if he did chip Cech
  12. Rather cliché saying but we really are like Jekyl and Hyde.
  13. I found Shola's Messi-esque run rather amusing.
  14. Absolutely fantastic result. Really buzzing from that. The first half was full of shitness whereby we were giving the ball away - we simply couldn't string a pass together and looked timid as fuck. That second half though was a vast improvement in that we played some good stuff and we looked really threatening when counter attacking - that really was refreshing to see. A much deserved win and a great start to the weekend.
  15. Admittedly, I didn't feel too disheartened about the loss yesterday as I thought we did decently enough but last night basically epitomised an ongoing problem from the last year or so - our lack of quality in the final third. It's all very well that we got into some great positions in the box and all that but that counts for nothing if you don't take advantage of such positions. Although it took City 99 minutes to break through, it was inevitable that they would punish us for our inability to finish. Another thing that came out from yesterday is that we also really can't count on Cisse to get the goals for us anymore either (that is, he really can't be our "main man" anymore) as chance after chance he had yesterday, he simply wasted. The lack of quality upfront will bite us in the arse in the long run. We're basically putting all our eggs in one basket by counting on Remy to come up with the goods every single game like.
  16. Maybe this is Pardew's way of asking to be sacked? Wishful thinking I know...
  17. Hmmm, do I watch this in the pub tomorrow where there are guaranteed to be City fans in attendance.
  18. Sifu

    Wendy Taylor

    Kinnear probably thinks Email is a player we're scouting.
  19. Good thing I'm going to bed then.
  20. Déjà vu really - considering the exact same thing happened to him last season - that is, he has an established run in the side and becomes one of our more better players and then gets unjustifiably dropped. Man management works.
  21. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Pardew sure does know how to fire the team up for the derby, his motivational skills are top notch like - to lose 2 derby games in a row is no mean feat, even Souness couldn't manage that. Seriously though, how can you not hone in on the importance of "wanting it" to the players? There's no excuses for what happened today. The issue, as ever, comes from his shitty tactics and his inability to adapt to the situation and do you know what, the sad thing is that Pardew knows what our best 11 is, he just had no idea how to use them and make them into a cohesive unit.
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