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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Found this on Reo-Coker:
  2. Hmmm, If that's so, he won't be too happy in being the second choice striker.......
  3. I thought he was slated for some of his performances at right back? (I could be completely wrong mind).
  4. Yeah, our chances in actually signing him were very slim from the beginning. Agree but he is a great player and is available, much rather try than do nothing. Indeed, it showed ambition on our part.
  5. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    Danny Simpson @iamdannysimpson Danny Simpson RT @gadger4: @iamdannysimpson Danny... Help me start a 'Joey grow ya tash back' campaign... #bringbackthetash A campaign has seemingly started
  6. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    So 19 year old Phil Jones who's played about 30 games for Blackburn Rovers is gonna be about the 6th most expensive defender of all time. Makes sense. Yep
  7. i think some people are getting carried away with just how much he wants to come back. Hence why I put really in italics.
  8. Can't see N'Zogbia going to the mackems if he really wants to come back to us.
  9. I can see it happening, what with him being on a free. But like some of yous have said, don't think he'd be happy with being back-up nor being on lower wages. But like I say, I rate Guthrie higher than Reo-Coker so don't want him here.
  10. Just me or does that sound plausible? Definitely plausible I concur.
  11. I actually do rate Grayson - has done very well with Leeds and seems to be a likeable guy.
  12. Seriously though, that Cribs episode with Shola, f***ing hell "I love wearing hats, lots of shapes and sizes of hats that I love wearing, just different sizes and colours really"
  13. Yeah, our chances in actually signing him were very slim from the beginning.
  14. Yep , he could somewhat pass and shoot - didn't do it too often enough mind.
  15. Pretty much agree with this. Jonas is more of a threat running at players - the wing is pretty much the only place where he can do this effectively, like you've said.
  16. Sifu


    But good enough for us?
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