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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Mo Farah's an Arsenal fan? Ah man.
  2. Bottom of the spending league
  3. Pics or you should go to Specsavers. She's been poor for a while now like, looked better with the extra timber. Still looks lovely like.
  4. Just switched to the Red Button on the BBC. Tony Pulis is there I see *switches off*.
  5. So as expected, I've missed nothing. Almost happy that I did a 10 hour shift...
  6. Will be in no rush to leave work early tomorrow but unfortunately can see myself checking this forum every hour or so As if I can't get stressed enough...
  7. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    So Levy has actually spent all the money on perfecting the cloning process.
  8. Nice one Mike, starting the stress/anxiety early, I hope you're proud.
  9. The only thing that p*ssed me off during the game was some of our fans. Sadly, we have quite a few morons supporting us. Unfortunately so. I'm really starting to hate some of our fans - they, more often than not, just ruin the away day experience. The new generation of supporters concern me
  10. Sifu


    Kudos to John for fucking up the mackems' chances of a win today. It was much appreciated.
  11. Gabriel Clarke with more great "interviewing".
  12. Cunts defend cuntish actions basically. Exhibit A: Ashley Cole.
  13. "Substantial" bid allegedly. So that's two Kit Kats and a Creme Egg presumably?
  14. Never thought I'd see 2 Ameobis on the scoresheet like. That's surely the sign of the apocalypse? In all seriousness though, Sammy deserved his goal, he at least tried to make things happen. The other positives were Good and Dummett, both looked very composed - they've got bright futures ahead of them. Positives aside though, last night's game made me very angry but hey ho, we won didn't we? Please, please, please build on this win lads.
  15. Could very well be missing this game. I'm wondering if that's a good or bad thing, hmmm. Can see us nicking a win à la Morecambe and I'd be just about fine with it.
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