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Everything posted by tmonkey

  1. tmonkey

    Daryl Murphy

    Gayle, Mitrovic, Perez, Murphy. Should be more than enough to dominate in this division. Bit reliant on one of Mitrovic/Perez finding their feet when they haven't thus far, but on paper it looks good.
  2. Must be shit alot of the time because some of those goals are outrageous.
  3. Janmaat is "decent" getting forward until he he has to put a cross in. Like many mediocre wide players hes completely unable to whip a cross in, instead only half heartedly floats a low cross in that gets easily cleared. This makes his OK build up play and forward movement completely pointless as all it leads to is him getting into crossing positions, which he then consistently wastes. Even Anita has been putting in better balls into the box. He had a short spell of good form attacking wise where he was getting forward, cutting inside and shooting hard and low, which he was fairly decent at (for a fullback) and resulted in him being an unexpected attacking threat (even if it didnt lead to goals), but we havent seen him do that for at least a year and a bit. Defensively he has been shocking, visibly not bothering to mark his man at times. Im happy to see the back of him.
  4. I bet he's the type of cunt who talks about himself in the 3rd person.
  5. To be fair to Sissoko, he really needs to move this summer if he's going to be able to comfortably afford the expense of having his freeloading entourage around him feeding his ego for the rest of his life in return for his "hard earned" cash.
  6. Probably as much as Louis Suarez (think they're at a similar level personally).
  7. He was one of our most disappointing players last season imo. Lightweight up front, frequently has poor touches when he shouldn't, weak shooting, and horrendous balance at times allowing opposition defenders to brush him aside after his first touch. Some of these issues were on display last night. For whatever reason he's he's gone backwards since his breakthrough season. I suspect he's lost some confidence - hopefully a goal or two and he gets it all back.
  8. Well if you consider Lascelles was at fault for the goal then yes I agree. But neither had an above average performance as you seem to suggest with that grade. IMO. I suspect that's the Football Manager rating system ingrained on many of us where 7 is decent and 6 is a below average/slightly poor performance.
  9. Thought he looked good defensively for the most part.
  10. It's like playing 10 vs 12 with this guy in the team. We're a player short and he's actively helping them win free kicks in dangerous positions, stopping our own moves, and winning possession for them. He's effectively like an Emile Heskey for the opposition - winning free kicks for them, closing our defenders down, breaking up play.
  11. Monetary proof that Carr has done a good job in terms of these unwanted imports from weaker leagues.
  12. Never seen him play or know nothing of him, but from the descriptions of him on the Blackburn forum I've just scanned it seems that: 1) Good last season. Relatively shit in prior seasons. 2) Similar story to us in terms of stingy/bad ownership. Owners not spending money despite decent amounts coming in with a £100m+ debt on the clubs books, and now players being sold for cheap to service that debt with none of it being reinvested. Might be the case that we're getting Hanley on the cheap because of this. 3) He seems to have had a problem with being out on the lash regularly, though may have cleaned himself up in this regard last season. http://www.brfcc.com/mb/index.php/topic/31201-grant-hanley/ I like the sound of all of this. Shades of us getting Woodgate on the cheap in some ways (no comparison intended).
  13. £5m just got wiped off after that "touch".
  14. Those runs through the middle is exactly why he should be playing in the middle and not on the wing.
  15. Matiuidi is like the French Colback. Shit at everything.
  16. That has to be a penalty imo. You can't be jumping with your hands at a convenient height that blocks headers.
  17. Only Janmaat left to go and we might, for once, have a squad of defenders without a gutless clown in there.
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