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Everything posted by tmonkey

  1. tmonkey


    Everton finished 4th 2 seasons ago, Spurs had the chance to finish 4th last season but bottled it in the game against Arsenal. Its possible to get up there.
  2. This Gerrard box-to-box bullshit has pissed me off to no end. He rarely gets a game in central midfield for Liverpool because Pool as a team play miles better when players with the right attributes for central midfield, players like Macherano, Sissoko and Xabi Alonso, are played in central midfield. Parker's game has been destroyed in this attempt to turn him into another Gerrard/Lampard, and for that Roeder needs to be blamed the most. Hes an idiot of a manager who no doubt was stunned by Parker's goal against Charlton last season and said to himself "damn, if I can get Parker doing that every game I'll be rolling around in trophies". Parker just needs to be played as an anchorman, with no creative or scoring responsibility, and hed be a class act. I see no reason why Parker cant be as good as someone like Mascherano, a class player who does nowt except mop up in front of the back four, win tackles, and play very simple passes. He just needs to be told to distribute the ball immediately, he shouldnt hang onto it, thats all.
  3. Butt...slightly inferior version of Batty Parker...stronger tackler than Rob Lee, half the player. Sorry mate but there is no way on earth that Parker is a stronger tackler than Rob Lee. And he's nowhere near half the player either. Lee was solid defensively, but theres no way he could win half the challenges Parker can. No matter what other areas of Parker's game may be, hes a quality slide tackler, even if he does get caught out once in a while. Lee wasnt.
  4. Viduka has always been a good player, trouble is hes always been an overweight crock too with questionable motivation. Still, rather him than someone like Peter Crouch.
  5. Hes shiite, RS Cruz. As shiite as Julio. Good finishers who have no other attributes and would be shiite in the Premiership.
  6. This is the Peruvian Pizzaro who plays for Bayern. Not sure who you are talking about.
  7. tmonkey


    F*** his fitness if weve got a serious chance to win the trophy. Club comes first, hell probably break his leg in pre season anyway, so play him if hes fit "enough" to reasonably play without a high risk of getting injured again.
  8. tmonkey

    Gary Neville

    can see it now Shepherd : "Neville not for toon" More accurately: Pre-season: Roeder on Neville rumours: "I want young players who will push the first teamers down to squad players, players who will give us service for not only the present but also the futre. Gary Neville is a top player, and has been for a long time, but we are not after him, I can tell you that. Hes not someone we are looking at." Last two weeks of the window: Roeder to run the rule over Gary Neville in pre season friendly as Man U take on the mighty Part Time Farmers X1 All Stars. Transfer deadline day: Roeder signs Steve Watson on a free, having been assured over the phone by Stevie that his fitness levels are adequate enough for the Premiership.
  9. Its his teamate, Claudio Pizzaro, who we should be after. Hes ripped Arsenal and Real Madrid apart at times, quality player. Good in the air, but far more importantly, good on the deck, and can dribble and link up to a good degree. Consistent player. Much better than Ashton, and on a free as his contract is up in the summer. Wouldnt be easy to sign, but would be a f****** good addition and worth big wages. Wouldnt be suprised if those running our club dont even know who he is though, let alone are actually trying to land him on a Bosman. Why bother, when you can blow 10mill on an injury prone poor man's Shearer?
  10. tmonkey

    FA Cup replays

    Thank Shepherd and co for that. /bait
  11. Portsmouth. Spurs too surely. Ruel Fox, Ginola, Jenas - theyve always jumped for our midfielders when theyve had the chance. Theyd handle the wages through bonuses if what Jol says is true.
  12. Butt...slightly inferior version of Batty Parker...stronger tackler than Rob Lee, half the player.
  13. Parker can pass decently, he just lacks the confidence and self belief in his own ability to the extent that he wont even try a remotely difficult through ball. Butt cant pass for s***, but that wont stop him trying to set teamates away early, or attempting to spread the play crossfield on his first touch. Dyer simply has no passing range whatsoever. When in central midfield, he wont pass beyond the nearest man. Hes a quality player for us, but central midfield is not his position, and he should only be used there in games where we are looking to counter against slow and defensively weak central midfielders. I think a Parker Dyer midfield could work for specific games, but it would be pretty lightweight defensively, so only in games where there isnt much of an attack threat from the opposition central midfield. Total tosh, tbh. Parka's passing is very, very poor, it's his main limitation along with his slow brain pointed out by Shaman. Butt's passing ability is several notches higher than Parka. Dyer's main strength is his ability to run beyond the strikers, not pass in a flowing and expansive fashion like other creative players, there's no point in comparing him with Parker and Butt, as you more or less got to in the end by saying he's not a CM. No reason for you to have commented on him in the context of this thread, tbh. Well, I can only say that we see things differently. Parker, for me, has significantly better technique than Butt when it comes to having the ball at feet. Hes quicker at controlling it, can move and dribble faster with it, can turn alot faster, and generally has more ability on the ball. Its here that im referring to his passing technique being better than Butt's, who imo has poor technical ability and ball control, which is why he gives the ball away the most in our team. This is where we clearly disagree, because obviously you rate Butt as a good passer. I do think that overall Butt is a better passer, but only because of the difference in mentality when it comes to passing. Butt looks to spread the play quickly, he doesnt wait for the safest option to become available and will pass it fast or spread it wide if he sees the option to. Its Parker's failure to do this that makes him a poor passer of the ball for me, technical ability wise hes fine. Dyer was brought up because Skirge was discussing a Parker Dyer partnership.
  14. Parker can pass decently, he just lacks the confidence and self belief in his own ability to the extent that he wont even try a remotely difficult through ball. Butt cant pass for s***, but that wont stop him trying to set teamates away early, or attempting to spread the play crossfield on his first touch. Dyer simply has no passing range whatsoever. When in central midfield, he wont pass beyond the nearest man. Hes a quality player for us, but central midfield is not his position, and he should only be used there in games where we are looking to counter against slow and defensively weak central midfielders. I think a Parker Dyer midfield could work for specific games, but it would be pretty lightweight defensively, so only in games where there isnt much of an attack threat from the opposition central midfield.
  15. tmonkey

    Would you?

    Noone decent would want to play for us if we had as s*** a squad as that after selling all those players, let alone "world class" ones. Were much better off just getting decent Premiership players this summer, particularly in defence, and work on getting the best out of the likes of Martins, Owen, Dyer, Emre, Duff, Zog, Milner, etc. Top 6 should be a doddle with that lot providing they have the defense to build on. No need to turn the squad upside down at this point in time, all of those players are still under 28.
  16. Bellamy, Gerrard, Rooney etc are utter chavs, some of them are actually despicable and deserve to be spat on, but that wouldnt stop us wanting them in our team.
  17. Still a Parker fan myself and am dissappointed that hes drifted from the anchorman role he did so well in last season, but I think wed have everything to gain by selling him for 6mill+ and getting Sidwell in on a free. Very similar players playing at similar levels, Sidwell just has better passing abilities, which is the key difference for me if Parker is no longer going to be an all-out anchorman. Buy a fullback with the proceeds.
  18. tmonkey

    Carling Cup Final

    Was shocked to see amazing skills like controlling a ball, turning, dribbling small distances, passing to a teamate, etc etc, all things that were missing in our game.
  19. Who Jenas?? not in the slightest. 10 goals in 45 premiership games and 3 goals in 8 cup games is a good record for a centre midfielder. Been an excellent signing and contributes a lot to the team. no he really is s****, so glad we got rid of him, something good newcastle done for a long time What do you man 'no'. Im talking about Jenas's performances and contribution as a spurs player. Heard he played crap for you lot (excluding he's 1st season) but thats really none of my concern. You lot were happy to get rid and were very happy to have him so i guess both parties are satisfied. Two guys I work with are both Spurs fans who regularly go to games, both say hes the shittest player theyve seen in a long time, does absolutely nothing with no idea of how to play in midfield, except of course for scoring the odd tap in. They absolutely loathe him.
  20. tmonkey

    Roy Keane

    Impossible to tell at this early stage, but one reason why I think hell never become a top manager: His rant at the shitness of the ManU squad last January. The squad that is currently leading the Premiership by 9 points. Clearly, hes not a good judge of the bigger picture. Ferguson is, he had a plan, he was building a squad good enough to challenge for the title that simply required some time, and as a result ManU are currently looking unstoppable. For Keane to think this bunch were absolute no-hopers, utter shiite to the extent that he needed to walk out of the club having slagged certain players off, shows that he doesnt have the mentality or foresight of building a top squad, as well as the understanding that certain players needed time and faith to improve. Maybe hes changed since being a player, maybe hell learn through experience, again impossible to say, but given how strong his views were only recently, and were currently seeing how wrong those views were, I doubt hes going to be a top manager. IMO hell be the type of manager who will come across players with moderate potential but who need time and faith, others who have faults but would be useful as squad players if given the backing, as well as players with different mentalities and personalities to those of Keane, and instead of sticking with them, hell just kick them out. A Souness-like manager.
  21. Bramble lacks an important, fundamental ability required by centrebacks, which is essentially doing two things at one. That is, to be able to watch the ball, and also watch/know where your man is going at the same time. Bramble is great when hes not having to do both, but when the ball is 20-40 yards away at the feet of the opposition, time and again hes to be seen ball watching whilst his man just waltzes into a good position. His passing and distribution was utter shiite today as well. Majority of the long balls were down to him, because early on in the game a few passes of his on the ground put us in trouble. After that, it was a case of putting the rhino foot through the ball every time. http://www.wildtrack.org/media/AGF00005-small.gif
  22. tmonkey

    Fernando Torres

    Cracking game against Inter in midweek. What a free kick.
  23. tmonkey


    Not sure hes being picked out over anyone else. Theres plenty of criticism for Milner, Martins, Dyer, Emre, Parker, etc. This is just a thread about Duff, who has been dissappointing.
  24. tmonkey


    No worse than the rest of the s****, no c*** would pass the ball to him as well in the first half when he had acres of space. What would he have done with the ball though? I vividly remember last season for Chelsea whenever he was in acres of space, Lampard would pick him out perfectly. What did Duff do every time? Stop with the ball, pretend to go both ways, turn around, and pass to the fullback. I dont like calling a former quality player s***, but shit is exactly what Duff is compared to what he used to be. In terms of the bigger picture, hes an OK player, a decent Premiership winger who works hard and can on the odd occassion beat his man and put a good ball in, but thats just not good enough for someone picking up 70k per week. Hope he picks up something resembling form, otherwise we need to cash in at the earliest opportunity.
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