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Everything posted by tmonkey

  1. tmonkey

    Steven Taylor

    That backing off
  2. Thought too much about that. You'd have to scoop up the s*** up and post it through, shirley? Given he's presumably got gates, it'll probably be one of those little box things up a height. Nee way you're getting your arse that high off the ground to s*** directly in without a stepladder. Best thing to do would be to shit into a large piping bag and then pipe that through the letterbox. Would need a fibre supplement though to make sure it's not too runny.
  3. Just imagine if he's unemployed before the season finishes. http://www.croydonadvertiser.co.uk/images/localworld/ugc-images/276430/Article/images/28353248/11589667-large.jpg
  4. Basic counter attack, but so utterly ruthless.
  5. tmonkey


    Is this the end of his professional career then? Have there been any instances of convicted paedos returning to the game? Just had a terrifying thought that he could end up here if he's let off lightly and this all eventually blows over (especially if we're in the Championship). Ashley might see it as another (former) fringe England international available for peanuts (don't imagine he'll be able to demand much in wages if he does return to the game). Not like SD or Wonga aren't used to negative publicity.
  6. They celebrated us getting relegated like they'd won a cup final. Just totally bemusing
  7. Thought Atkinson was woeful today. Started off making poor decisions for both sides, soft penalty to Leciester, but then as the game wore on and particular in the second half he clearly let the crowd getting on his back influence his decision making - in tandem with the Arsenal players constantly whinging (they really are a bunch of radgies). Absolutely no justification for it being 11 vs 10 given that if the Simpson sending off is the norm then a couple of Arsenal players should've been off the field also.
  8. Find Janmaat to be quite disgraceful at times personally. Very good player when he wants to be, but it's visible when he can't be bothered defensively, and that seems to be every other game at the very least. Think he's just given up on NUFC after realising what he's gotten himself in for, so is just coasting.
  9. He had a generally poor game too outside of the end product. Lost the ball quite a bit, lost nearly every 50-50, very poor/lazy defensively. Leicester really are reaping the rewards of not having short sighted views on what an attacking player is meant to be doing first and foremost.
  10. Many a manager, including the shitty ones we love to employ, would've come here looking to play defensive and nick a win, rather than committing players forward and looking to score at every opportunity.
  11. So jealous of Leicester fans right now.
  12. Mahrez has been a liability defensively all game, shirking challenges, not tracking his marker properly (hence why Kolarov has consistently had good opportunities to put dangerous balls in). Would've been hauled off at half time if at NUFC with half our fanbase fully supporting it.
  13. Forest winning the league first season up? Then going on to win the european cup 2 years in a row? In the context of how much football has changed since then, I think this would be greater. I do get your point and hell what Leicester are doing defies all logic but the forest thing was in the era of Liverpool at their best and Forest had finished 3rd in the 2nd division before coming up It's personal opinions, but was I see it Leciester are doing this in an era with 4 or 5 "Liverpools", all boosted by either years of CL revenue or oil-rich billionaires pouring huge amounts of money in giving them access to top players around the world on a scale never seen before in this country. Putting together a title challenging side at a tiny nothing club in the current era has to be a much greater achievement. And not wanting to belittle their achievement, the European Cup was a flat knockout competition back then.
  14. Easily if we're talking about a single season in isolation. Would love to see them win it. Ranieri would have a statue in no time.
  15. "Be careful what you wish for, Geordies". Ian Wright, 2015.
  16. David Ginola - All touch of the ball - Liverpool 4x3 Newcastle ~ 1995/96 Premier League.
  17. Carr is owed more credit for this signing, especially if he's also getting blamed for Thauvin and Cabella.
  18. - Positionally poor. - Weak in the tackle. - Non-entity in the air. - Comical fitness/mobility/agility for a PL central midfielder. - Mediocre distribution at best. - Frequently passes backwards killing any kind of momentum we might be building up. - Spends at least a third of the game "hiding" by standing next to an opposition player when the centrebacks are desperately looking for someone to pass to and there's acres of space for him to move into. - Looks clueless when he gets forward. - Panics under any kind of pressure. - Borderline awful set pieces that get the ball into the box but are the opposite of what you want. Every corner and free kick is hit into the sky with minimal pace on it. He has some positive traits (can control a ball OK, does try to close down), and by virtue of being played every game is bound to have the odd decent game, but ultimately Colback shouldn't be playing Premiership football for a team looking to stay up. It's as simple as that imo, based on his season so far anyway. He has next to nothing that sets him apart from the kind of dross we saw in CM when we were in the Championship half a decade ago - any number of them can play the odd decent crossfield pass, or put in a half decent cross now and again. At Premiership level the minimum expectations should be much higher, unless we want to actually go down that is. It's even debatable as to whether he should be considered as a backup option in CM because at PL level we ought to be having competition between midfielders who can bring something to the first team when called upon. Guthrie, for example, was miles better. He might be useful as an "experienced" body, but that's clutching at straws. Beyond that, if we're talking about 4th/5th choice, at that stage of the pecking order we should be looking at taking a punt on an unproven youngster, giving them a run out in the hope that they might turn out to be surprisingly decent (like Abeid). Giving Colback a slot in the squad when we know he's either medicore or shit at everything, knowing full well there's no chance he'll improve, is kinda pointless. The fact that Colback will be on very good wages because of being on a free just adds insult to injury.
  19. "We wos unlahkaay. We played front foot football and wos unlahkaay dat we didn't get dat first goal. Maybe if I had of been in goal I coulda dun somefink about it, I dont naa, we needed more fret and Cabaye".
  20. Just re-watched him in the build up to Rooneys 2nd goal. Trips up a Manu player in a pathetic manner because he cant catch up, completely uninterested in Memphis cutting inside (which Memphis frequently does). So when Memphis does cut inside Colback just casually gets out of the way. Just mind bogglingly s***. The guy is a total fraud.
  21. Fantastic player. Silky smooth ball control, mobile, has good body strength, doesn't lose possession cheaply, makes great runs off the ball, and an excellent finisher. Well done Graham Carr.
  22. What was Colback doing for Rooney's goal? Looked like he wanted to get out of Memphis' way and in the process took Janmaat out of the equation.
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