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Everything posted by stozo

  1. subs : Harper, Perch, Santon, Gosling, Sammy Ameobi, Best, Shola Ameobi
  2. I know Pardew has said he doesn't want to play HBA on the wing anymore but surely he has to with Jonas out. I really don't see their being much point in playing either Sammy or Obertan of the left whe we have a player who has got several years experience playing in that position. That said Pardew seemed that horrified at the prospect of HBA defending on the left that he brought Lovenkrands on instantly when Jonas got sent off.
  3. stozo

    Danny Guthrie

    Based on his form in the last three games it's a shame that he will get dropped when Tiote returns.
  4. It's not great for the fans who follow to the day to day but from the club's point of view it's a good strategy. It's also the Man Utd. team and staff (not just Newcastle fans) who have had to prepare for the possibility of Tiote playing for the last few days.
  5. Only going to include players I've seen play. Krul Enrique Coloccini Woodgate Beye (Can't think of a really good RB I've ever seen Newcastle have) Ginola Speed Beardsley Solano Shearer Ferdinand I know it's very early to include Krul in there especially when Given served for so many years but I genuinely think he is a much better goalkeeper. Given used to frustrate me no end when he was rooted to his line for every corner and cross.
  6. No word on how Santon played but the reserves side were 3-0 down when he was taken off in the 76th minute.
  7. Good decision to get rid. Don't think he had a future here and he could have gone for nothing in the summer.
  8. Quite impressed with the performance. We played much better second half and had we been a bit more clinical we probably could have made a game of it. It was encouraging to see Ben Arfa get some game time. The tackle for the penalty was awful but going forward he looked really bright at times. Day to forget for Ryan Taylor. At fault for both of the first two goals and got caught out a number of other times. I think it might be worth looking at Santon in the next game.
  9. Sadly it looks as if Ryan Taylor has finally been found out at left back. Although the blame for the first half overall needs to go to the team. We are doing exactly what Pardew said we wouldn't which is sit back and hope to nick a 1-0 or a draw. We've shown when in possession we can threaten, we just need to keep the ball better.
  10. Agree with everything apart from the bit in bold. From what I've seen HBA doesn't press the ball half as well as Best and it going to be vital that we put their players under pressure all over the pitch.
  11. Feels like we are spoilt for choice in terms of team selection at the minute. Would like to see Santon and Ben Arfa both get starts but then I understand Pardew's problem in dropping players who have been doing the business for us. I think Ben Arfa could really do with a start but the problem is that in a game like this we should really be playing 4-4-2 with two proper strikers and Jonas is playing so well that we shouldn't drop him. I'd go for: Krul Santon Saylor Colo Raylor Obertan Cabaye Tiote Jonas Best Ba
  12. I'd take: Goalkeepers Hart Foster Carson Defenders Jones Richards Terry Cahill Smalling Baines Cole Midfield Lennon Wilshere Cleverley Young Johnson Downing Gerrard Barry Strikers Rooney Sturridge Bent Wellbeck Carroll First game: Hart Richards Jones Terry Cole Lennon Gerrard Wilshere Young Wellbeck Sturridge
  13. It's a pretty sad state of affairs when Cahill, Parker, Barry, Walcott and Zamora are all starting for England. Not doubting they are all decent players but none of them exactly set the world on fire.
  14. I thought he was great today. His passing is beautiful.
  15. Would like to see starts for Gosling, Marveux and Sammy Amoebi. I also fear we will see an outing for Perch.
  16. stozo

    Leon Best

    He's never going to be a 20-goal a season striker but he works hard and scores goals. Considering we paid £2m for him he is an absolute bargain.
  17. stozo

    Joey Barton

    http://d.yimg.com/i/ng/sp/p5/20110820/14/3777575269.jpg http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/11/17/article-0-027BBC23000005DC-133_468x340.jpg
  18. This thread asks two totally separate questions - Rate our summer transfer window and was the £35m well reinvested. I'd rate us highly on how well we have done in the summer transfer window but low on how well £35m was reinvested (because it clearly wasn't). Cabaye, Ba, Marveaux, Obertan and Santon all look to be decent players who have their best years ahead of them. I don't disagree with signing any of them and I think they all have the potentially to be very good players for us. On the outgoings front I was happy that we got rid of Nolan, especially considering we replaced him with someone who is a better player in my opinion. Enrique had to be sold due to his contract situation. The only departure I was disappointed by was Barton and that was only because we failed to get a transfer fee for him. He again wasn't going to sign a new contract so I would have supported selling him for £3/4m. The big disappointment is obviously the lack of a striker. It would have been a great window had we got one of Gameiro, Gervinho, Erdinc or Maiga. The arrival of Ba still means we are stronger up front than at the end of last season but a top striker would have really allowed us to push on this season and target a top 8 finish. Overall I'd give our summer transfer window a 6.5/10. It would have been an 8 had we got a good striker.
  19. That'll be why we had a kid that's never played a senior game on the bench at the weekend then. Then why loan out Forster? Also, Harper is only injured for a short while. This guy is unlikely to get near the starting 11. He's what, 3rd or 4th choice? We don't even have ONE LB. Forster needs to be loaned at because he needs to develop which he is not going to do as our third choice keeper. While it is unlikely this guy will ever play for us we need to be prepared for a potential situation where for whatever reason our two starting keepers are unavailable. I'd much rather have this guy on loan for the season than risk having to potentially throw Soderberg into goal when he is not ready.
  20. stozo

    Erik Pieters

    Sounds to me like we're going to let this go right down to the wire. My guess is we are hoping to get Cissokho and are hoping Lyon cave on the price at the last minute and if they don't we will get Pieters instead as he is cheaper.
  21. Thought he had some bright moments. Offers us pace down the right wing and seems to have more end product than Routledge did. Still aspects of his game for him to improve on but I'm relatively happy with his performance today.
  22. Disappointed that Best and Lovenkrands are starting. Would rather we'd started with Ba and Sa. Ameobi. Nonetheless have to hope they do the business for us. Here's hoping for a big performance from the midfield.
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