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Everything posted by lovejoy

  1. enrique in. same team otherwise as man utd
  2. i dont agree, i think the keegan comment was far too harsh.
  3. nicholas went over the top imo. dont think anyone else said owt wrong though
  4. why?? just raped us on ssn. 'no wonder keegans been out of the game for a while, they are a shambles' 'they are not to good to go down, shearer's taling rubbish' 'blackburn to win today' cant argue with a lot of it, but he's still a cunt
  5. i dont think thoomo or le tiss said anything derogatory at all, just said confidence is low nicholas however....
  6. i f****** hope so That might mean Smith in midfield though barton, butt, smith com ci com ca
  7. i think its both p.r, and the fact that there isnt realy a stand out candidate for the armband
  8. lovejoy

    Fitness Levels

    he's working with roeder and clark at norwich, doing a bit of freelance work, he's big into his motivational seminars etc, whether he would come back here or not, who knows, but it would be a good step for us. as for him losing his weight, i think thats more due to his condition than his training methods, he's always been a big lad!
  9. lovejoy

    The man for NUFC

    betting scam FACT Nah that was Pearson.
  10. lovejoy

    The man for NUFC

    we did better than he did with the fat b****** as chairman don't make me laugh. f*** off. ever thought of taking your own advice mate?
  11. cant see why on earth we wouldnt play nzog in front of enriwue. fuck duff
  12. Frank Rijkaard is rumoured to be the preferred choice. he's denied it today
  13. they boo'd him to fuck when we played them this season. didnt make the press though....
  14. That's the worst bit of the lot. How f****** dare they say something like that about KK, who has proved himself one of the most honourable men in football over the years, who walked away from a massive England payoff? f****** scumbags. exactly. disgusting that. i dont think he's ever taken a pay off has he?
  15. just read that, what a load of shite. i love the '3 goals since arriving, two of them poached by michael owen' what the fuck else do they want him to do like? as if its a sin to poach a goal?
  16. i hate that cunt more than anyone. in his section the other week he was writing about something totally and utterly unrelated, then half way through turned it around to us. specky twat. i still hate the way he was interviewed live on sky after the keegan press conference and he said how great it was he was back etc. cowardly cunt
  17. FWIW, i think we'll shock everyone with how much we spend this summer. we'll be the biggest spenders in the leaguethis summer imo (besides chelsea if the £100m part today is true), keegan wouldnt have risked his rep (with us) on this rabble if he wasnt going to get mass fuding. as HTT says, wise is there so ashley doesnt have to keep on spending mega bucks, but i honestly believe we will spend huge in the short term
  18. hopefully. having said that, he cant realy mean owt else can he
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