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Everything posted by lovejoy

  1. that alvaro bloke seems to think he's had a medical
  2. nah me neither, but i would have liked to see barnes come in. he'll go elsewhere in the summer i reckon
  3. £3m for a promising english youngster? fuck me, just do it
  4. to say the least! cant see why he would leave leeds, who are doing well, to come here as dof like?
  5. i heard that. got some mates who are an utd fans and they are pretty embarassed about it
  6. lovejoy

    Deja vu

    fucking hell. people wonder why we get laughed at.
  7. if he has knocked us back because al isnt number 2, then he's a thicker cunt than i thought
  8. he's perfected the art, uses satellite technology and everything he has a fuck off big joke book and never gets the chippy order wrong wither
  9. If you go, it'll probably be for 28 days, so don't worry, it wont be permanent. bollocks to that. he could have had us closed down like the smb. ban him permenantly imo. isn't trying to get other users banned also a ban........................... ban this kid as well!
  10. If you go, it'll probably be for 28 days, so don't worry, it wont be permanent. bollocks to that. he could have had us closed down like the smb. ban him permenantly imo.
  11. not surprised. would have been a backward step to join us atm. reckon we have probably been used to get his deal rubberstamped tbh
  12. can't see any reason whatsoever why micah richards would leave city for us. he would be mad to. city are just as ambitious as we are, and are a better side
  13. lovejoy


    i honestly think he would come here, but it would have to be this month as they will all be in for him in summer imo. he isnt worth anywhere near £26m though
  14. seconded. what a c***. i noticed the four eyed t*** didnt have the bollocks to say owt when he was interviewd the other day in the press room after the conference 'isnt it great' he said 'its good to see keegan back'. get f***** man you specky f****** coward. im glad they hate us, lets create a siege mentality, i dont want to be everyones second favourite team again anyway, f*** that, means nowt to me, let them hate us because we kick their arses everytime their team sets foot on our pitch, and when we set foot on theirs. c***s. bring it on.
  15. actualy, i think it weill be van buyten or brown, bentley and carrick. i'll still dream of berba and richards though!
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