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Everything posted by lovejoy

  1. lovejoy

    Mark Hughes

    agreed. bentley would be a good start!
  2. lovejoy

    Mark Hughes

    http://www.brfcs.co.uk/mb/index.php?showtopic=18034&st=20 blackburn fans seem to love the bloke
  3. sidwell to the unwashed http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/sport/football.html?in_article_id=508039&in_page_id=1779&ito=newsnow
  4. lovejoy

    Mark Hughes

    agreed. he wouldnt say fuck all would he. if we approach, he'll take our hand off imo
  5. lovejoy

    Mark Hughes

    would have rather had harry tbh.
  6. lovejoy


    great isnt it. i also love being told im happier losing 4-3. they havnt got a clue man.
  7. lovejoy


    every paper in the land cant stop talking about us, neither can the mongs on the radio, the pundits on the tv, or the ill informed muupets on ssn. yet we arn't a big club?? dont seem to remeber this clamour when citeh sacked pearce, bolton sacked the dwarf, spuds sacked jol or fulham sacked sanchez. fuck the lot of them man.
  8. lovejoy

    Mark Hughes

    hughes all over the rags tomorrow
  9. Shearer? Here's how I feel about Shearer ... I think he would be a good manager but as far as buying players goes I think he would struggle massively. I think Shearer would be the sort to always go after Brits. Shearer would have bought someone like Smith too. Does he really have the knowledge of world football that will allow us to get the best players we possibly could to the club? That would be my biggest worry. ?
  10. scolari is a good shout. still can see us only going british, and i think a shearer/keegan combo looks the way we'll go
  11. agreed. the thought of him hoying money at big al makes me sexpiss.
  12. agreed, and after reading the whol ething i feel a alot better. anyone else get the feeling the new bloke is going to be heavily backed? He's pretty much said it's about winning, not the money. I can see him backing his manager to the point of buying a trophy. Happy with that tbh. fucking right! i can see some big big spending on the horizon!
  13. pro's - knows the club and how it works up here. would get full backing and time. con's - lack of experience. terry mac would probably still have a job
  14. agreed, and after reading the whol ething i feel a alot better. anyone else get the feeling the new bloke is going to be heavily backed?
  15. sounds promising. but i have no faith in him bringing in the right man
  16. refreshing to read that isnt it, after the ill-informed bullshit that we've been fed recently
  17. cant see jol being appointed here after thy sacked him at spuds, cant see kelmsley giving ashley rave rviews like
  18. i reckon if shearer comes in, and has someone with him, its a lot more likely to be venables than keegan
  19. did he not expect to be drop after constantly making mistakes? and being shite
  20. rather him than harry, hughes or maclaren
  21. must be one of those days, so dont be surprised to much by 'arry http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080111/ap_on_re_mi_ea/iraq_first_snow_in_memory
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