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Everything posted by lovejoy

  1. Read somewhere yesterday he's off to PSG
  2. rafa is the man, make no mistake.
  3. Moyes was hit and miss at Everton, which is often over looked. He also plays turgid football. Playing a defensive football in the championship won't sit well with me. disagree with the hit and miss part. He got them on a very solid grounding, right through the club, which is precisely what we need imo.
  4. He can play, and would be very handy in that league. He's never had a proper manager, id be interested to see what he'd do with one (this is presuming we have one, of course)
  5. lovejoy

    Players in public

    No, but he is a cock though harsh . I like him. He has strong opinions, that's all, the forum would be worse without him. imo obviously.
  6. Anita: 06/2017 Marv: 06/2016 i'd give marveux another year if we drop.
  7. lovejoy

    Players in public

    he was never going to be lying man , anyone who's been on here a decent amount of time will know he isn't a liar tbf.
  8. Telegraph claims he wants to overhaul absolutely everything in the summer (if we stay up), academy, scouting the lot. Let's just hope to God he stays regardless.
  9. Can't stand Pearson, would hate him to manage us. We're rotten from top to bottom, we need a dictator imo, someone who runs the whole thing. Not a head coach type, but a proper manager. Every level of the club, from scouting to academy needs major surgery. If it isn't rafa, I hope they give it to moyes and give give him full control of the lot. A short term appointment to get us back up just delays this process for me.
  10. Hope he doesn't play for us again. Along with sissoko.
  11. well, you can see how we managed to sign him. he's fucking woeful.
  12. lovejoy

    Graham Carr

    Aye. Agree entirely.
  13. we really couldn't see him here in the first place either. His staying after relegation is 10x more improbable than his ever coming, which was already the stuff of dreams. Would be magic but I just can't muster any hope over it. I think him staying is a less barmy idea than him coming in the first place, but I guess we'll see.
  14. we really couldn't see him here in the first place either.
  15. What's he said? He thinks we'll still be in the PL next year. Personally I think he's on crack as we quite clearly won't be. he also said he wants to be here next year and 'for a few years' to be fair.
  16. fairly positive noises from him today about staying on imo.
  17. I'm currently there, last day thank god, and what a horrid place. Pining for Bamburgh, Steel Rigg and Brough law. I love the place. Going back again in October for the 13th time. same, can't get enough of it.
  18. That wasn't due to happen until the end of the season. I realise it isn't a big task (admin wise, to get it done), but it says a lot imo. It says we have a clause that either side can activate. maybe i'm being overly negative.
  19. I agree with this. I think Rafa would fancy it.
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