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Everything posted by Toon_Crazy

  1. Must be on his way. Expected him to play as a goodbye to the fans. Disappointing.
  2. Any chance of some chants along the lines of hoping he has a heart attack?
  3. Relatively pleased that he's staying tbh. It was a terrible season but I'm happy to give him another year. If we improve the squad, we should be mid table to top 10 again.
  4. Toon_Crazy

    Alan Pardew

    I'd like to see him get until the end of the season. Yes he's been useless but there's nobody available to take over, and the unrest with a change of manager is far from ideal. Over the next few weeks, our more important players should start to return. Pardew has said he'll play Cisse through the middle, so hopefully no more Ameobi.
  5. Frustrating because we had a good chance to push on and keep up, but Chelsea and Spurs have improved. We still have a great core to our team. Beat Villa on Sunday and hopefully have Tiote fit after the break. HOWAY THE LADS!
  6. Sadly, I think AC is going to be our only signing before the deadline. I don't particularly want him back although it would be handy with multiple competitions this year. I'm predicting and undisclosed fee in the region of £14m. I'd much rather we paid extra to get Debuchy than bring Andy back.
  7. What's our rate of conceding with and without him?
  8. Toon_Crazy

    Ryan Taylor

    Delighted he's signed. Very useful player to have in our squad and a great professional, never any issues with him.
  9. Unrelated but is that picture genuine? And if so, where can I get a big version of it?
  10. Toon_Crazy

    Papiss Cissé

    Nice touch from the Arsenal fans.
  11. Toon_Crazy

    Papiss Cissé

    That second one is quality. Hope that takes off.
  12. Toon_Crazy

    Papiss Cissé

    Just realised I've been in this thread for about 4/5 hours? I'm off for some food, I'll be back to read Pardew's smug quotes.
  13. Toon_Crazy

    Papiss Cissé

    Mark Douglas >>>> David Craig.
  14. Toon_Crazy

    Papiss Cissé

    Wish him well, he was a great player for this club.
  15. Toon_Crazy

    Papiss Cissé

    Are we signing them too? That'd be a Pardew signing, the silver haired fox.
  16. Toon_Crazy

    Papiss Cissé

    Pardew's arc. 2 Dembas, 2 Ameobis, 2 Taylors.
  17. Toon_Crazy

    Papiss Cissé

    There's a Facebook page dedicated to his move to Newcastle...
  18. Toon_Crazy

    Papiss Cissé

    Maybe he has two dodgy knees? *forever alone meme*
  19. Toon_Crazy

    Papiss Cissé

    SSN better get a picture up of him arriving at the ground. TEAM FULL OF DEMBAS!!!
  20. Toon_Crazy

    Papiss Cissé

    Do we reckon he'll get the number 9?
  21. Decent team out. Please let there be no injuries to key players i.e. Colo!
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