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Everything posted by STM

  1. STM

    Callum Wilson

    Exactly as expected. We must sell him first opportunity.
  2. STM

    Tosin Adarabioyo

    I'm very familiar with Tosin... I go through loads of Kleenex.
  3. STM

    Tosin Adarabioyo

    Remind me how reliable this fella is?
  4. Think I've nailed this.
  5. I do wonder why, myself included, thinks that the PIF are going to do some touch up job or half a job. They are clearly going to go "all in".
  6. That's not how it works. The fee paid is amortised across the length of contract, regardless of how the selling club want their payments. It's only an issue if you have cash flow problems.
  7. Why is it a stumbling block?
  8. Whatever they ask, we pretty much have to stump up. We can't be hypocritical. Hopefully we already know his price.
  9. Joselu preventing Harry Kane from success is what I'm alive for.
  10. So happy for Joselu. What a night for him.
  11. They also don't specifically say they would sack him, they don't have the guts for it and they also don't given an alternative.
  12. Freedman and Olise package please. I love that the club does a proper interview process. We can all see why they hired Eddie (after Emery, I know), you can imagine how impressive he was. Hopefully our next DoF is equally impressive.
  13. Blows my mind that anyone wouldn't want this guy as our gaffer. It terrifies me that we would bring someone else in who wasn't as footy obsessed, or didn't understand the connection with the fans. He's got a few minor flaws in his management, sure, but they are so small compared to the massive positives he brings... and we all know he's constantly self assessing. As a football fan and even a Newcastle fan, I've never enjoyed it so much, I've never felt like I actually like the players, the staff, the people running the club. Even under SBR there was always an element of a "ceiling", under Eddie nothing would shock me regarding our success. I'd put some decent money on us winning a trophy in the next few years.
  14. It's the same report as yesterday and it's fairly unreliable. Hopefully I gets done though.
  15. Eddie, of course, spoke superbly. There's not really anything new though. It's quite interesting watching the dynamics between two people. Eddie comes across quite intimidating IMO, not in a physical way but on a intellectual level. The perception of him is the soft spoken, mild mannered, middle class coach but I think that's entirely wrong. For me he has don't fuck with me school teacher vibes.
  16. I don't think the people running the Saudi league and the people who are running us are necessarily in cahoots, even if we have the same ownership. It's sounds a nice thought, but the reality is that the person running their clubs are going to be looking out for themselves.
  17. My one experience of London was class, but then we were in a cup final and quite frankly I could have been in Gaza and found it enjoyable. I think London is a great place to visit but being a lad from a village in the country, I quite like clean air and less people.
  18. In fairness to Casemiro, he's not going to allow the rest of his career turn into this... I think it would suit both parties if Man United let him go for peanuts. Casemiro could get a Saudi deal or maybe someone like Fenerbache would take him. I know its common belief that footballers would just rather sit around and take the money, I just don't think it's necessarily true.
  19. Canny bleak though.
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