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Everything posted by STM

  1. Just checked my calendar, tomorrow is Wednesday Gold star for you.
  2. "Could be done by wednesday." Caulkin on PL checks. Which he has been told from the Staveley camp.
  3. It's funny though, opposition fans dont rate him. Only journalists, the media and our own thick fan base who see a Geordie.
  4. I find Wraith very Jekyll and Hyde. Sometimes he is spot on, then other times he's a complete moron. Like all of his Saudi ass-kissing.
  5. 26 years today since my first game. You better believe that today's the day.
  6. Even the other aircraft like to keep a distance from Mike's plane.
  7. Oh do f*** off. There's life outside the NUFC bubble you live in round here and believe it or not there's thousands of people in 'the city' who couldnt give a s*** either way. f***ing grow up man. I wonder why my personal view on it has touched such a nerve with you. Very strange You don't wonder that at all you sanctimonious tit. There's nothing strange about you being held to account when you stray beyond the subject of the ownership of NUFC to have a pop at the city itself. Would you care to expand on why it's a "disturbing precedent" or are you just flinging out word salad to feel a bit more smug than you already do? I do wonder considering I don't think what I said was inflammatory enough to warrant such a hysterical reaction, yeah. Not sure how it's sanctimonious or smug to see Newcastle fans online do things like attack Khashoggi's grieving fiance and worry about that level of defensive sentiment spreading if the Saudis improve the area, for example, and how that impacts on the city's reputation. I mean all I've said is that I find the mere idea of that disturbing and you've felt it necessary to attack that opinion, so... How the hell does that impact on "the cities reputation"? You've gone from some arsehole on Twitter giving a widow grief, which as anyone with a brain agrees is absolutely repugnant, to that's a "pretty disturbing precedent for the city like". So, ok, I'll bite.... In my professional capacity I have to help rehome people new to the country. Help them find homes, jobs, learn the language, the usual quotidian shit we all take for granted. And when people are rehoused in Newcastle we have to make them feel welcome, and guess what? They do. Because this is a great place to live, and I love everything that's good about it, and I try to improve everything that's shit about it. And some fucking twat with an axe to grind about the human rights record of some country that I have personally helped their citizens of - and I'm going to guess you've done the square root of fuck all about - isn't going to change that. There you go. 'Hysterical' enough for you? :clap:
  8. Oh do f*** off. There's life outside the NUFC bubble you live in round here and believe it or not there's thousands of people in 'the city' who couldnt give a s*** either way. f***ing grow up man. I wonder why my personal view on it has touched such a nerve with you. Very strange You don't wonder that at all you sanctimonious tit. There's nothing strange about you being held to account when you stray beyond the subject of the ownership of NUFC to have a pop at the city itself. Would you care to expand on why it's a "disturbing precedent" or are you just flinging out word salad to feel a bit more smug than you already do? I do wonder considering I don't think what I said was inflammatory enough to warrant such a hysterical reaction, yeah. Not sure how it's sanctimonious or smug to see Newcastle fans online do things like attack Khashoggi's grieving fiance and worry about that level of defensive sentiment spreading if the Saudis improve the area, for example, and how that impacts on the city's reputation. I mean all I've said is that I find the mere idea of that disturbing and you've felt it necessary to attack that opinion, so... Personally, I get offended by the generalisation that most Newcastle fans are like the morons on twitter and more specifically the sort of morons that would tweet a grieving widow. It was a few nobheads who likely acted without thinking. It's also hardly a surprise that the people of Newcastle are excited by the prospect of good football, alongside investment into the area. Do you think SA enters peoples thoughts on a daily basis or indeed would affect their thinking?
  9. I think the peak of the criticism has past for now. The curve has been flattened if you will.
  10. Isnt he that drunk who has been punched in the head multiple times? Cracking boxer in his day. Got a couple of bad KO’s towards the end. Always seemed a canny bloke tbf ??‍♂️ Yeah, I was just kidding. Nothing wrong with enjoy the past and the future. I reckon if you gave Ricky a choice he would choose the takeover.
  11. Yeah I agree with this. To be honest they could rename the club, turn St James' into student accommodation, build a new ground at the Silverlink, publicly behead Keegan - as long as we compete for Champion's League places and spend big money in the transfer windows it's all good by me. :lol: Oh Penn.
  12. Isnt he that drunk who has been punched in the head multiple times?
  13. There comes a time when reminiscing about the past holds you back somewhat. If people are expecting the KK romantic era to return, I think they will be sorely mistaken. I expect this lot to be ruthless and unflinching towards every aspect. Staveley might have sounded out fan groups and even the likes of KK for ambassador but ultimately these things rarely last and quite frankly I couldn't give a shite if we start competing for honours.
  14. STM

    Kevin Keegan

    Him being allowed in the ground would be a fucking start.
  15. Dont be giving updates of sunday supplement craic on here. Thats how massacres start.
  16. Only this cunt could get a 100k bonus for a survival that never happened. Even if he gives the money back he will be talking about what a noble hero he is for years.
  17. It's not part of the NE but it's fairly close. It's an hour down the road. Certainly close enough to have familiarity with the area. I know that part of yorkshire fairly well, so I see no reason why she wouldnt have a decent knowledge of newcastle.
  18. Perhaps Ashley is so desperate for the money that he has a back up group waiting in the wings if this one falls through. Dont worry, Caulkin will be along in the moment to tell people its bullshit.
  19. Even in an extravagant spending spree, I'd rather take Willems who I trust and throw money at more important areas. Obviously this all depends on who the manager is and what the new structure is going to look like etc.
  20. Would be a no brainer. Hes so comfortable at this level.
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