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Everything posted by STM

  1. I loved our old black away top.
  2. STM

    Player of the year

    Aye agree with most POTY= Butt YPOTY= Milner
  3. It's pretty impossible. What your saying is someone will post a topic like this... "I have heard that Newcastle are close to signing Ronaldo but i have no evidence so it deserves to be in the not really sure whether it's fact or fiction forum"
  4. Luques goal was canny like.
  5. He'll be back in november, so it only a couple of months missed. Or shall i say its only a couple of months out?
  6. I'm suprised that hasn't made the news like. Is it just me or did Fred imply that he wanted to carry Owen back to liverpool?
  7. Thats class. Fred came across canny well in that TBF. Looks like he aint happy about his agent like.
  8. STM

    Martin O'Neill

    Aye the future is bright for Villa. Without looking to much into their squad: Strikers: Carew, Adbangthhor, Moore and Young (not a bad little four) Midfielders: Petrov, Barry, Maloney, McCann (decent with a right mid added) Defenders: Mellberg, Bouma, Lausen (have all improved under O'Neill) A couple of signings and they should be looking to europe but not if us and big sam can help it.
  9. I think O'Neil is twice the manager Allardyce is tbh. I think O'Neill is three times the manager Martin Jol is TBH.
  10. STM

    Alan Oliver

    How old is oliver? In fact how long before he pops his clogs or retires?
  11. This. Owen's a cracking player but we aint going sit around worrying about replacing him because he has barely played for us to replace him in the first place. I'm not Darren Bents biggest fan but for the 9m talked about he would give us more games and more productivity in games because of it. I say if Owen doesn't want to be here get rid and give the money to Big Sam WHEN he's here.
  12. STM

    Alan Oliver

    Whats worst is those fans who believe everything he says like it is gospel. I find myself correcting others about the shit in the chronicle.
  13. "Freddy throws some dyce." "Big market for big sam"
  14. What i have noticed every year is that we always start off thinking small in terms of signings. Then by the end of the window we have signed a couple of big names. Like the year when we bought Luque,Emre and Owen. I was thinking more Boa morte, Keane and PBD. Last year i would never thought we might have signed Duff and Martins. Most of the time these transfers are the reason for our downfall too.
  15. Hold on. You WOULD like to see kevin davies in a toon shirt? The rest i can't argue with but i'd swap Nolan with Davies.
  16. STOP, LOOK AROUND. 5 pages of this thread and not one post from Ne5 or HTL. I want to hear some excuses on behalf of Freddy sheppard.
  17. STM

    Watford (A) lineup

    Aye, should be interesting to see what Pearson thinks Roeder did wrong. i.e who he will drop/play.
  18. Massively over-rated. A better player than his average teamates, who massively over achieved due to good management.
  19. He didn't say that at all. I cannot believe how sky sports have blown what the agent said. No mention of the fact the agent also said " i expect, like the media, that sam will be appointed".
  20. Berbatov is a cert to go to Man Utd.
  21. STM

    Sir Bobby speaks....

    "have been out of the club for three years and the board have made their decision." Does this mean the man is already chosen. I can only imagine it is big sam then.
  22. Houllier is at another club and has denied any links with us. I don't understand where the words Houllier and Options cross paths TBH. Noone else realise this is the mystic shit that Anal writes?
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