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Everything posted by STM

  1. If Sams good enough for Les he is good enough for me.
  2. If that position was our priority then i'd take him in a flash because he is one of the most under rated midfielders in our league. 5.5m is good money for a player of his quality, who as far as i can remember gets in no on field bother. However, i'd be trying to fool you all if i said he was an angel. He clearly is a shit but all great players are. He's far better than Sidwell.
  3. Roeder was classic for contradicting himself like. I want players younger than 26....... sibierski and duff? I never make excuses............. no other manager could have coped with these injuries. I want to be given the chance to manage this club until xmas........... resigned the next day. I don't want to sign sol campbell............ (a year later) well i do want him but not if i'm paying money.
  4. I say bring back that cerial lad, he was more entertaining for talking bullshit than this lad.
  5. Was their a kid called Ready Brek that used to come on here (it was some sort of cerial)? This lad reminds me of him. Might be wrong though.
  6. Watch dyer have the game of his life against watford. He's predictable, only every performs when he knows someone is watching. Like the england manager, the new manager or back from injury. I agree that Allardyce would be a good choice to sort him out.
  7. Right now the ratio is that out of 13 people, 2 of them wouldn't believe allardyce is good enough. That's a canny majority like.
  8. Go on then who would you have from them. Young and Darren Bent (if we needed him).
  9. I feel exactly the same. He has my full support and I'm actually now excited at the prospect of real change. It will take time we know but at least we know he's got the skills to pay the bills.......bring on the summer Make that three. Can't really argue with the points that wor coach has put across like.
  10. One of the most accurate views i have heard yet. However, i think he will sign, he will succeed and become our greatest managers in recent history.
  11. This for me would be THE CORRECT appointment. If it happens and doesn't come off, i won't slate freddy for it. He's got the timing right and he's got the bloke right (IMO). Just needs to deliver wholesale backing, which i'm sceptical about but i didn't think he would get the first two so......
  12. For Sam Allardyce. Very excited.
  13. "Sid is very good at everything but he is not outstanding in one particular area" thats what i'm scared about ala Parker and Jenas.
  14. Tevez will end up at Liverpool TBH. I would LOVE to get gudjohnsen here.
  15. If 4 5 1 is the theam i don't think Owen will play in the wide areas, more likely through the middle like Anelka for Bolton. So this: Given Solano Taylor Ben Hiem Bains Butt Parker Emre Milner Owen Martins This would improve Emre's game as he suits 451 better.
  16. Actually, you've touched on a good point with Duff. I expect his performances to improve dramatically under Big Sam.
  17. Dragon if your correct, i will be suprised if he accepted those circumstances.
  18. HTL is correct. If you get the correct bloke in, it doesn't matter about the timing (long term).
  19. Moyes as a person is highly cringeable. As a manager he is average.
  20. If we play successfull football i dont care who is on the pitch TBF.
  21. Me anarl. It's not like it's Roeder we are talking about, who takes 4 hours to decide what he's having for breakfast. If it's Allardyce, one day in the transfer window would be enough for him to make improvements (exaggeration).
  22. Strachans alright, it's moyes who i would worry about.
  23. Why would you want Dacid Moyes anywhere near this football club?
  24. HTL, i understand your sentiment that this club needs a manager with big shoulders (metophoically). It's for this reason why i see Allardyce as the least risky appointment out of those touted. I'm a firm believer that at big clubs that have alot of pressure on them it's esstential that you have a certain amount of confident, over confident, even arrogant characters. Prime example os this can be seen at all the chamions of the past: Man Utd: There whole club is based on arrogance. Charlton, Fergie, Cantona, Ronaldo, Neville this list is endless TBH. Arsenal: During their unbeaten run played some of the most over confidently annoying football. A team full of players like Cole and Veira who to say the least love themselves. Chelsea: Mourinho, say no more. For me, Big sam is perfect for us. He doesn't give a monkeys about "big club", "alan shearer god" crap. He will just come in and do his thing (if hes allowed to). Chew his chewing gum, voice his opinions and generally give the players a good kick up the arse. Organsation and confidence is what we are missing at the moment. This is allardyce's forte. In fact, dare i say this is a very clever appointment by Shepard (if it happens).
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