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Everything posted by STM

  1. Interesting post and it makes me recall something from ages ago. I was worried about the appointment of Souness when I heard it announced on the car radio, but I could see the reasoning behind it. The players were supposed to be off the rails and needed some discipline. I believe the Board appointed Souness on that sole reason. This prompted a post from all that time ago explaining my belief that the main limitation of this Board is how they appoint a manager generally based on a single character trait only. You can trace it through right back to when Keegan left with Dalglish, Gullit, Robson and then Souness. Appointing someone based on such a narrow criteria doesn't work and this is where they've gone badly wrong imo. Of course, I can't accept criticism of the Board and I am a massive supporter of Fred because I don't harp on about him being a pie eating, fat b******...... Aye, your spot on about the narrow minded apointments. Thats why i think Allarydce is a good appointment he covers alot of the criteria. I can't stand anyone that posts abuse about anyone at the club, whether they are right or wrong. There aint any need for the stuff. Critical yes, abusive no. So i agree...... ya big prick!
  2. A little from coumn A, a little from column B. I entirely realise where NE5 an HTL are coming from. If they are the age they claim to be, there is a very good chance they have seen the club come through some very horrible years under WORSE misorganised heirarcy than we have now. They also realise the fact Shepard played an important role in getting from where we used to be, into where we are now (one of the richest and best supported clubs in the world, with good success position wise). So on that regard, they deserve their right to be annoyed at the younger generation, which includes me, who constantly complain about things that they would see as abit misguided and blind. However, looking at the recent future (Since keegan) it is MHO that the club, under someone with more forethought and vision, could have achieved ALOT more success. Sheppard fiancial and buisness sense is worse than very few in this league. However, his ability to hire and fire has halted the clubs long term progress. Which understandabley upsets the younger generation, who because of no fault of our own aren't AS aware of the long term picture or clubs history (apart from facts and figures). The Hall/Shepard regime is actually only going to be small part of the clubs history but it's significance is massive. We are where we are because of them but the question is, do they or more imparticularly Freddy have it in them to take the club to the next level? I have my reservations....
  3. There's definately a meeting happening, both Jimmy Hill's and goals on sunday mentioned it. I hope to god Freddy doesn't come out tommorow and say that they are backing Roeder.
  4. Harper Solano Taylor Moore Carr Butt Dyer Milner N'Zogbia Martins Owen Never mind the best team we can play against blackburn, this is one of the best 11's we can play against anyone IMO. With maybe Emre and Duff the only alterations. If Roeder manages to produce this team there will be no excuses for losing. At home we are a better side (in theory) therefore the front two can win us this game. FFS lets have ago at them.
  5. Shocked to see Pirlos name crop up so much TBH. Pirlo for me is one of the best passers in the world. An unsung hero at club and international level if anything. Remember this is the same guy who is a world cup and champions league winner, for me he is the much needed link in the Milan and Italian side. He is an ugly bugger though!
  6. I agree, a year ago i would have said Allardyce wasn't good enough. Now i would beg Sheppard to hire him.
  7. Don't be silly Shearer will be hired as manager at the end of next season. No matter what the situation the club is in.
  8. That think's this is all too good to be true? Whats being suggested is that Freddies lining up Allardyce to replace Roeder, in perfect timing for pre-season so that he can have a good look at the players and give him a tidy sum of money to rebuild the squad. For me it seems impossible that Sheppard has the forethought and ability to make this happen. What puzzles me most is that he hasn't came out and denied it as speculation. Another question is, where's the new member of the backroom staff (as was mentioned a few weeks ago) that Roeder/Sheppard has lined up to come in? It's all gone quiet on that front. Something very strange is going on.
  9. Aye he's been on SSN denying the campbell rumours. Fair enough the policy of not spending money on players over 30 but can't help feeling that he regreted missing out on Campbell.
  10. Kuyt and Martins would make a good partnership IMO. Completly different types of strikers, from completly different footballing backgrounds. Out of the two i would have signed.................................... Benni McCarthy
  11. Yeah, none of it is due to him not being very good at football. Out of interest, do you honestly believe that Luque is "talentless"? or do you really think that he is "Not very good at football"?
  12. I think your being optimistic mate. For me it's closer to 60/40 the other way. However, i'm slowly edging closer to allardyce. I believe we will find something out in the next couple of days. Either fredd will deny it or the rumours will get stronger.
  13. I really hope we do have the foresight to capture Allardyce, however i doubt it. There are two glimmers of hope that i am hanging onto. 1. Nearly every paper has runned the story, either today or recently. They may be copying one another or someone knows something. 2. As has been commented on, Fred has denied anything. The only logic that could explain this is that because its near the close season he's been concentrating on new players and has not had time or he's trying to sell season tickets.
  14. Glad the saga is over. However, it's a sad day because it points out everything wrong with the club.
  15. Gattuso is my type of player. I've always been a fan of tough central midfielders like him and Keane. It's all well and good having your flair players but it's the Gattusos who balance the world up. Think Cannavaro is/was awesome aswell.
  16. 1. Wayne Rooney- Good player and alot better than what is at our club but has failed to set the world alight. 2. Arjen Robben- Can't remember the last time Robben impressed me, expect him to be sold in the summer. 3. Cesc Fabregas- Wank,wank,wank. Good passer but his lack of tackles or goals makes him way over rated. 3 best in the world: 1. Gattuso 2. Kaka 3. Ronaldo
  17. Hope to god this is true. Would be a far more significant day in the clubs history than when we signed Owen. Allardyce may not be the worlds greatest manager but his capture would give the club a great chance to lay down strong foundations for years to come and have consistent sucess in the league.
  18. Solano Campbell Taylor Baines Because Campbell is getting on and is obviously suspect to injury i would rotate him with Distin (if the rumours are true).
  19. Hope that is true about Distin and Sidwell. From what i've read, NSG wouldn't make up something like this. If Beardo is pretty sure about Distin and Sidwell then so am i.
  20. "I would like a central defender this side of 26 and an experienced one over 30 with a big CV and successful playing career." At least he realises we need more than one centre back, i also agree with this view. Cannot believe he decided against Campbell.
  21. Bought mine earlier and i have to say i was suprised by how many shirts were still availble. Feels lush on like, looks far better with the collor tucked in too. Thats my contribution to this pointless fashion debate.
  22. Given Solano Taylor Exp CD Exp LB Butt ACM Milner Duff Martins Owen Exp CD= Sol Campbell Exp LB= Wayne Bridge ACM= Cahill, Nolan, Barton and thats forgetting about squad players. Roeders not up to these type of transfers IMO.
  23. I would still have Barton here like. If he sorted out his attitude he would be a top midfielder in this country. Needs a propa kick up the arse like.
  24. Harper Solano Taylor Bramble Carr Butt Emre Milner Dyer Martins Owen The only difference i can see to this side is that Dyer and Milner may be switched.
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