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Exiled in Texas

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Everything posted by Exiled in Texas

  1. http://bovlomov.com/havers.jpg Leonardo http://www.abola.pt/img/fotos/fotosap/italia/leonardo2.jpg Nigel Havers
  2. Seem to be part of the club badge
  3. I like that new Barca away top - much better than the "peach" color they have been wearing, and I like the way thry brought the teams official colors onto the new shirt.
  4. Brilliant - all the better because of the final Post and Out - followed by the kids look of disgust.
  5. Sounds like a win-win for both. Swap Cesc for Ibra. How is Arsenal putting a massive hole in their midfield to gain an erratic striker a 'win'? IF Cesc is leaving for Barca anyway then they have a midfield issue regardless - But if they can get Ibrahimovic that would greatly improve their strike force (Better than playing Bendtner)
  6. Sounds like a win-win for both. Swap Cesc for Ibra.
  7. Wonder how the player see us - are we attractive to potential player like Real Betis is to players in Spain? It seems like we always think that our stadium, large number of fans and our "potential" are a big draw to players but when I see that we are the Spanish version of Real Betis perhaps it puts things into consideration a bit better.
  8. Barca seem more like a sucessful Arsenal, rather than the circus that is Newcastle.
  9. OK- but why?? What makes these clubs seem like us?
  10. The Steve McClaren thread brought up the idea of Schalke being the German Newcastle and reasons why. Fan Expectations, title history, socio-economic similarities etc. So thought it would be fun to see who are the Newcastle of the other leagues - let's start with La Liga. Tell me which team in Spain is the Spanish Newcastle - and why.
  11. Eaxctly - Barca got it all wrong for first 80 minutes. All they did was pass the bacll back and forth about 40 yards out with no penetration and no forward movement. All Inter had to do was keep shuffling the cover on the ball carrier and close the lanes which they did very well. I thought Barca had the entirely wrong game plan - passing with no movement was clearly going no-where. In the end Inter's 90 minutes in Milan beat Barca's 10 minutes at Camp Nou. For real? Congrat on graduating from the academy. Here's your badge http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v207/pmrye/Stuff/spellingpolice.jpg
  12. Eaxctly - Barca got it all wrong for first 80 minutes. All they did was pass the bacll back and forth about 40 yards out with no penetration and no forward movement. All Inter had to do was keep shuffling the cover on the ball carrier and close the lanes which they did very well. I thought Barca had the entirely wrong game plan - passing with no movement was clearly going no-where. In the end Inter's 90 minutes in Milan beat Barca's 10 minutes at Camp Nou.
  13. Not that he'd move or be suitable for us anyway like. They covered this during the Boca- San Lorenzo game. The two are not friends and don't socialise outside of the game, but are great players together on the field. Palermo recently became Boca's top scorer and the Argentine media made a huge deal of the fact that they celebrated separately (I didn;t see the goal but assume Riquelme provided the cross to Palermo). However,in this game when Riquelme played Palermo in for his goal they were the first to celebrate together. Riquelme want's to stay, I think Palermo wants to stay but cost may be an issue keeping both. Incidentaly - Palermo doesn;t socialise with several other Boca players outside of the games either, but people only focus on him/Riquelme.
  14. Maybe put this one in the center circle - might cut down on the pitch invasions http://www.qnet.com/~saddleup/mtlion.jpg
  15. Was watching FoxSoccer Futbol Argentino game (Boca vs San Lorenzo) this week, and they said that Riquelme asked his agent to get him re-signed with Boca. Apparently not interested in going elsewhere.
  16. Wembleytor ("Wembley goal") - A 'goal' that is awarded even though the ball didn't cross the line. No hard feeelings over 1966, then!
  17. Didn't Freddie Shepard want/try to buy them?
  18. I have that same feeling too....but both Fergie and Wenger had bad/slow starts but were given time. I worry that there will be too many trigger-fingers itching to dump CH at first sign....and then the circus continues. Oh, to have foresight that matches hind-sight.
  19. If Hughton had done at any other club what he did for us, he would be being touted as the next rising star and promising young manager. We would have posts saying that we should go for him, but others knocking them back saying that he wouldn't come here and was waiting for the Spurs role to come open when Saggy Face retires/gets jailed. But because he is our manager, and because we are Newcastle, then anyone could have got Newcastle promoted with this squad, and he is not cut out for the job. Bollocks. My only concern is the "Should be given a chance" thought, as it sounds like he won;t get the same time in the PL that Hughes or Hitzfeld would get and they are looking to sack him if he looses away at Old Trafford.
  20. Isn't that article saying that Hughes has his eye on Villa AND Newcastle (Not that O'Neil is considering his future and a move to Newcastle). Probably missing a comma. More crappy journalism. Need a lesson in Grammar
  21. I think that Pompey should decline the offer of playing in Europe fpr the good of their own club. They even admitted that it caused them problems so they shoud decline it and pass the poisoned chalice to another club. :-)
  22. I'm waiting fot the Makems to take the leaping puma concept, add a Magpie to it, and and have the poor defenseless magpie gobbled up in a plume of feathers.
  23. Whyyyyyyyyyyyy? Hoooooooooow? Long ball fetish :-[ It's the antithesis of what he gets a Barca.
  24. Exactly - as was seen many times before the Away Goals rule was brought in. The only thing that should be changed is the counting of away goals when they go to extra periods of play. Can;t remember the game/teams (some german vs spanish teams) but it was Europa Cup and game was tied at end of second game and tied on away goals. They go to two extra period of time and both teams score once, but the away team then had the advantage and played negative the rest of the game. Away goals should count during regulation but after that in extra time it should have gone to a penalty shoot out.
  25. Hughton showing a level head and realistic expectations on what task lie ahead for him. He know what he has to do, but won't be tipping his hand on what his plans are.
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