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Exiled in Texas

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Everything posted by Exiled in Texas

  1. Typical Germans......can't understand where they got the idea from.... http://cache2.asset-cache.net/xc/79032720.jpg?v=1&c=NewsMaker&k=2&d=77BFBA49EF87892155F29F61288AC1CA40DC1C2DCB6534A7A2DBBBFDA954A79F9779F1405FB92269
  2. http://cache2.asset-cache.net/xc/79648642.jpg?v=1&c=NewsMaker&k=2&d=77BFBA49EF8789215AB089EE596C65880BBBF9F2B8EE83798AAA435C4FB9D3F4A9F0F86B2CFDFE48 http://resources0.news.com.au/images/2009/12/02/1225806/022624-dtstory-darren-gibson.jpg Darren Gibson Brian McClair
  3. It's called Red Mist - and was created by Roy Keane and his team mates for exactly that purpose. Nice to see it come back around and bite them in the rear.
  4. I love how he complains that there wasn't an INTERNAL investigation, and then complains howthe clubs hasn't exposed all the details of what happened. What part onf "INTERNAL" investigation doesn't he understand?
  5. Forget Nolan - I want an animated GIF of the blade defender (set to some gay disco muzak) Someone get on this, pls. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v207/pmrye/Smilies/Dancingdefender1.gif
  6. What the heck have Hearts got to do with this? F***wits.
  7. Forget Nolan - I want an animated GIF of the blade defender (set to some gay disco muzak)
  8. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v207/pmrye/Smilies/Stop.gif
  9. Staying up? - Yes! I assume that we will be stronger than the two other promotion teams, so I think we can get better than at least one or two of the bottom PL teams. Now - is 12M enough to compete with Mid-table teams? Probably not.
  10. Saw Maradona on the Boca bench during their game vs River Plate. He is really huge now. Could take off his shoes and shirt at the Gallowgate and fit right in according to Baggie fans
  11. I was at Dunder Mifflin today on a sales call, and apparently their top PhotoCopier sales man got into a brawl in the conference room with their top Paper salesman. Apparently the copier guy broke the jaw of the paper sales man. I called the press relations guy at Dunder Mifflin to ask what happened and was told that it was an internal matter and would not be discussed externally. I told them that I have a right to know what happened because both guys sell my company copiers and paper but was told that they couldn't/wouldn't tell me anything. I asked a mate who works at DM what was going on and he said that HR was reviewing the alleged incident. I asked if the copier guy was still on the road making sales calls, and apparently he is. I told my mate that he should have been immediatley suspended by his Sales Director even though the incident allegedly happened in the empty break room by the ice machine when no-one else was around. The Sales Director is keeping the copier guy out on the road as he is pulling in big contracts and their sales numbers are way up. Apparently the Sales Director has taken advice from HR about this and until their investigation is over the copier guy should stay on the road and keep bringing in the sales. I think the Sales Director is weak for not overriding HR, and for not suspending the guy, and loosing out on his annual sales target. Should have had better morals and dealt with the copier guy and forgotten about the big contracts. I mean, they have an intern/YTS kid who can at least copy double sided and should be able to fill in. I mean......what type of company keeps this stuff internal and doesn't share their internal issues with their paying customers.
  12. No, but it makes it more obvious to all parties, including the deadwood, that things cannot remain the same. Owen and Viduka were out of contract, and Bassong wasnt deadwood. So what youre saying is Duff, Beye and Martins would have insisted on staying if wed stayed up, can you explain why? Wasn't specifically referring to just Duff, Beye and Martins - but more to the fact that players and fans would not have accepted the need to change in the wage structure had we stayed up on Goal Difference last year. Had we stayed in the PL then players would have expected higher wages than we are currently offering. Assuming that Routledge still signed for us, do you think he would be on the same wage structure that he is on now. If we get promoted this season, then for the 2010-11 season do you think our cost structure will be better, or will be exactly what it would have been had we stayed up. Would fans have the wages/cost structure expectations for the club in 2010-11 had we stayed in the PL?
  13. No, but it makes it more obvious to all parties, including the deadwood, that things cannot remain the same.
  14. Exactly - depends who comes up with us, and then we just need to finish above them and one other club to stay up.
  15. Why? Time is time. Is it fair for the defense who made it to 90 minutes to have to play 91 minutes? Isn't that the Fergie ruling that time is added until Man U score? As a referee...It's funny how everyone complains about this when time is kept on my watch, but when time is kept on the high school stadium scoreboard (with horn) no one complains. I'll only add 10 secs or so for the attacking opportunity, and then it's time.
  16. Pronounce it "En-Power" sounds like a play on the word "empower - to give power or authority to"
  17. Well that's how it appeared to me and I daresay most other people who read it. By the way, I agree Ashley is trying to get the cost structure back into line with revenue. It needs to be said again that the revenue dropped massively due to his long list of mistakes. Mind boggling that some still defend this fool. TBH not quite sure what the argument is here.....any business should run with revenues covering all costs so I would expect that revenue from fans purchases should be the largest source of revenue. Hobby businesses run on the owner putting in the majority of the finances, with revenue covering only a small amount of costs. And NUFC is clearly not a hobby business. I thought this thread was about the future direction, not the past mistakes (that are many and obvious).
  18. Now, if the statement was meant to be that the revenue from the fans is fare greater than the amount that Ashley is investing into the company. Absolutely agree. And would expect nothing less as NUFC is a business, and the business they are in is selling football experiences/merchandise to their customer base. Ashley is trying to keep his business afloat during a period of reduced revenues. He is trying to get his cost structure back into line with his revenue stream while at the same time producing a product that the companies customer base want to purchase. It's just business, albeit one that the customer base is uniquely attached to emotionally.
  19. I know what you mean......but it's said all wrong. They purchase products from the club - they purchase their view of the match, or a shirt or a program. And when they receive the item that they have purchased (watched the match, or got the shirt) their transaction is over. I don't invest in Heinz when I buy a tin of beans....I pay for the beans and receive the product which concludes my transaction. It's a purchase not an investment. Football fans are no different in that they purchase football products, receive them by attending the game or getting merchandise, and their purchases are immediately completed. Investing means - putting money in without receiving anything back immediately, and then hoping to receive a larger payout at some point in the future. So honestly, Ashley is the only one who is "investing" in the club. Football clubs are business selling match day experience and other merchandising. We may be fans of the club but we are really customers of the business, but investing in the club we are not.
  20. I always saw the Shearer appointment as one done only to create an Emotional Euphoria to lift up a sagging team and scrape over the finishing line in 18th place. The team never looked like it had the ability to lift itself with coaching or tactics and they hoped that Mesiah 2 would be enough. (In effect, putting a shiny object in room so that people looked at that and not the cracks that could no longer be papered over).
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