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Exiled in Texas

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Everything posted by Exiled in Texas

  1. And as a schoolboy in the early 80s…. The name “rush goalies” always confused me as Ian Rush never played goalie
  2. Being pedantic… goalies are not restricted from playing out /up field. They are just the only ones permitted to use their hands which is why their shirt is a different color. But they can go anywhere on the field they want. So by definition then rush-goalies has to be first-man-back. Else it’s just the keeper playing up/back [/pedant]
  3. ESPN commentators were Ian Darke and Steve McManaman
  4. It goes back 20ish years and a photo of two “large” Newcastle fans wearing their b/w striped shirts and they have food stains down the front. I’ve tried to find this photo or the first mention of Gravy on RTG but their history doesn’t go back that far.
  5. Middlesbrough has always been our true Derby marra . The head choppers up the road don’t understand what real NE folk are like. Boro understand us and we understand them. It’s always been like this … Newcastle have never really been true NE folk marra. Canna wait to beat Boro and then chase the smoggie gits across town and smack them back onto their train home. FTM
  6. One thing I like about the NFL version of VAR is that the referee announces that either the “call is confirmed” or they say “the decision remains as called”. And that’s what happened for the Gordon goal, - in play - confirmed - foul - as called on field (no evidence of error) - offside - as called (no evidence of error) it puts the focus back on the referee’s on-field decision, and reconfirms that VAR is there to check for errors not make their own decision
  7. Exactly the point of the Peeve …. Taking the easy “can’t wait to see X”, without the harder part of saying who comes out to make room for them. The thought behind the swap is the interesting part of the discussion.
  8. Still only 11 players each game - who’s out to bring X in?
  9. Posters saying “can’t wait for player X (Big Joe, Little Joe etc) to be back in the team” Yeah fine, but tell me who you’re dropping to open up the spot. We’re not playing 12 aside, so give me the line-up change
  10. I’d like to hold my judgement until I see a proposal for the arena site. I think that a new 21st century MercedesBenz Arena on the banks of the Tyne could be mind blowing with the views across the Tyne and the bridges as backdrop.
  11. Would love to see the system that develops and runs those drone displays. Guessing it’s a step above some graph paper and a sharpie. Would love to see what’s possible - especially the movement of the flying magpie
  12. Going to say that I’d love this. And I’m pretty sure it’s because I could wear that in Texas without people thinking I’m a football referee.
  13. Sadly it’s the sponsor that makes these shirts. They won’t look the same with Sela, Saudia, Aramaco etc on the shirt
  14. Mine just arrived from Shenzen. Looks great
  15. Funny comment “Not sure the mags should be commenting on stoning people” ??
  16. Flew back to TX this morning and as I’m getting off the plane, the pilot nods at my Newcastle polo and asks if I was at the game. Says he was there too and was happy to see Miggy score. Lots of ATL fans around my seats, and they went crazy when Miggy scored. Seemed like 75% of stadium was celebrating with Miggy. ATL loves Miggy
  17. Glad he is OK. Was watching him talk in the intro to the Milan-Madrid game when he hit the floor. co presenter calls for medic and a cut to commercial. About 30 mins into game a very confused world feed announcer (didn’t know what happened) had message for American audience that Shaka was ok
  18. Yesterdays game was a double-header. Fulham played Brentford before the Newcastle/Villa game.
  19. Tierny played the second half in the Old Rivals NY game vs Man Utd
  20. This actually makes sense. Can see the two being linked. And that makes even more sense if there is a 3rd BIG deal being worked on that needs some FFP lubrication The £££ from Maxi pays for Barnes, and the FFP credit from Maxi sale goes to new signing
  21. The lack of a training gear sponsor is a glaring omission, and is making me think we have one lined but are waiting to get our next target confirmed before we announce them. Keep the extra money a surprise until needed
  22. Haha …love the footnote ?
  23. Red Cafe “Who the hell are we going to sell McTominay to now?” ???
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