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Everything posted by jackyboy

  1. Bruce will think that when ASM comes back we'll sneak a win. That's the sum of his forward planning
  2. jackyboy

    In memoriam

    The way that Lorimer struck the ball was like Joselu and Joelinton rolled into one
  3. Bruce will struggle to convince many fans that he is the right man for the job long term. Bloody hell, what are these people on. I would have thought that he would struggle to convince ANY fans. The sooner he gets his repulsive self back out through the door which he keeps refering to the better
  4. If Fulham win on Friday the pressure on Bruce will be enormous and he might just explode. If Fulham win we will lose
  5. It's surprising how many so called fans out there really like this guy. When you see some of the comments on other sites it beggars belief. One guy said that he wants Bruce to be there next season because of the really attractive football we've played over the last 6 weeks or so and he feels tha Bruce is building a good side
  6. If Ashley sacked him now he'd have a better chance of filling a few seats next season regardless of what league we are in
  7. When Rafa was here I almost forgot about Ashley because I believed so much in Rafa. Bruce brings out all of the horrible things about the club and he is the most despicable person ever. I hate him with a passion that cannot be described. He ruins my day, my week, my club, my life.
  8. I'm with Bimpy on this and believe he was first choice. When they talk of others being approached it is just rumour. Fat Sam said he was not approached by the club but his agent asked him if he might be interested if it was offered but he said that he wouldn't
  9. He doesn't care if we go down. He'll get the parachute payments , the drop in attendance will be negligible and he'll still get plenty of TV money and free advertising for SD. The overheads will be less and the fans will demand less so he wins all around
  10. If we can't get to 4 points ahead of Fulham before the last game we are down
  11. Once a striker always a striker Mr Bruce said when saying what a good player he thought Gayle was
  12. Top managers change their set up during games and sometimes more than once.
  13. jackyboy


    Shola was pretty good at scuffed shots as well.
  14. jackyboy

    Jeff Hendrick

    He is a dreadful player. Just never ever imposes himself on the game. A bit like Bruce really, the sort of person you'd be better off without
  15. Brighton play some nice football and if they had a Callum Wilson up front they'd be at least 6 points ahead of us
  16. He was very pleased with the performance yesterday and with the commitment of his team. It was a good point to win. Following comments like this I dread to think how the players must feel. All he does is talk them down and tells them how good the opposition are. Against Man City he told them that it was a great honour to be on the same pitch as these Man City players
  17. I think that Dummet is better in central defence. In fact if they play with 3 CBs I'd like to see him Clarke and Fernandez together. Lascelles has been very average to me this season and he is very one dimensional
  18. Bruce delighted with today's performance and thee efforts of the players. Happy with a point
  19. Not long after he was appointed here I posted something along the lines that even if he won the PL or the Champions League I would still never accept him. I have hated him all through his wonderful management career and always dreaded that he would come here one day
  20. You never see Bruce wearing a face mask but I suppose they don't do them the shape of his face
  21. WBA center backs struggle for pace against Joelinton so Gayle would turn them inside out
  22. Inspirational pre match interview, It's all about the accumulation of points, it is what it is. Wanker of the highest order
  23. Can't stand Carney. Everytime you switch on she's there, getting as bad as Micha Richards
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