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Everything posted by jackyboy

  1. Listening to her speak, she is just a class act. Can you imagine Ashley or Charnley making such an inspirational announcement
  2. We are second bottom and I can't see the investors risking a relegation
  3. Bruce says he realises that he might be replaced but would like to stay on 'to show what he can do' We've already seen that and I doubt if it hasn't gone unnoticed by Amanda and co
  4. I'll bet that Rafa is gutted that he didn't wait a little bit longer
  5. It was Pearson who built the team that Leicester won the title with
  6. Be interesting to see how we get on when Jones joins Martinez at Barcelona
  7. Bruce says that we have improved though he realises that some people don't agree. Beggars belief
  8. Bruce is probably on about 500k and Rafa was on 6 mill so over 3 seasons Ashley saves at least 15 milion plus what he's saved on not buying players which a decent manager would demand or leave
  9. Yesterday was a tale of 2 managers. The Watford manager organising his team of average ageing players and getting the best out of them. Bruce with a much better squad, incapable of organising them and the best he can offer is to stand on the touchline clapping his hands and shouting c'mon.
  10. Really weak referee I thought, could easily have been a couple of reds (2 yellows), one of those being Ritchie
  11. jackyboy


    Likes to play in his comfort zones, near the halfway line and near the touchline. Anywhere to avoid being exposed or having to make a decision. I doubt he'd make the first 11 in any other Premier League side
  12. Leeds have a style and a way of playing that you recognise. Man City, Liverpool and even Burnley, you can see how they are being trained to play. Us, lump it to ASM and hope, no style or plan. Problem is that if and when we lose ASM we are fucked
  13. Bruce looks like a heart attack will stop him seeing the game out
  14. If Bruce resigns there will be fucking street parties
  15. Reading the DM article it seems that Jones has no influence over the way the team set up, or more likely that Bruce doesn't want to listen because with all of his experience he knows best. If and when this lot blows up properly it will be nuclear
  16. Rather than looking to sack him, Ashley will be thoroughly enjoying all of this unrest because it serves his purpose by inflicting as much pain as possible on our supporters
  17. I'd imagine Gayle could have an argument with anyone at the moment. He is being treat like a leper by Bruce and must be royally pissed off
  18. A lot of unrest flying around regarding the Man U manager and no surprise. I think he might join the ex players scrap heap of failed managers, Bruce, Robson, G Neville, P Neville
  19. He says he told Bruce to quit then says it's not for him to tell Bruce what to do. You talk about contradiction
  20. What a difference, Rafa stood on the touch line coaxing players into position. Compare that to the slob, clapping his hands shouting come on.
  21. I woke up at 2.00am this morning and remembered that Rafa's team had played so I had to get up to see the result. Delighted to see the result and sat there imagining Rafa popping his glasses back in his top pocket. Bruce must squirm when he sees the results and positions in the league table. The mighty Rafa
  22. I read something the other day, I think by McAvennie saying that Bruce should walk and that a lot of managers would have done just that. However, he said that Bruce won't walk because he hasn't got it in him
  23. That tracksuit top he had on yesterday looks like a leotard on the fat slob
  24. Maybe Bruce's 3 year rolling contract works both ways. If Bruce walks he has to pay the club 3 years compensation
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