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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. The fact that he didn't do due dilligence is something he's had to pay for, not us. He's done that while keeping the club paying bills when due, in other words, he's ensured that the club is solvent. He paying bills earlier and if he wants to make the club solvent he should transfer his loan into shares like I have. Why all the Ashley apologists? And who is going to buy the shares? If it was that easy the club would have been sold between September and now
  2. The only thing I can see on your list is a lack of communication, the others just aren't true although lack of ambition is a possibility. So you never saw the article he did, where he was willing to put £20m of his own money in for transfer on top of what we self generated amongst other lies? I guess you see what you want to see. Have you seen last years accounts? Where he put in at least £20m of his own money to keep the club going. I guess you see what you want to see Ive seen that Years accounts yes, just as had he when he made the statement to which Im referring to. The accounts which were filed a few weks ago? And the Year end was??? Last summer. When were the quotes made? The only time I remember anything of this sort was the statement when the club was put oup for sale officially 'I was always prepared to bank roll Newcastle up to the tune of £20 million per year but no more' 'That was my bargain. I would make the club solvent' 'I would make it a going concern. I would pour up to £20 million a year into the club and not expect anything back.' Where's the mention of transfers? Last Summer exactly, therein lies the answers. Mike Ashley did a six or eight page spread on our club, his lies, sorry vision, and all that shit, before he yarked his rattle out the pram. Its where he spoke about KK given autonomy on signings, the Modric deal, all that crap. In the same statement he also said 'I am prepared to back large signings for millions of pounds but for a player who is young and has their career in front of them and not for established players at the other end of their careers. ' The timing of the accounts is irrelevant really, he knew the score before the end of last season, he could see that the club could not continue to pay the wages of the Smiths, Duffs, Vidukas, Geremis etc of this world. The wage to turnover ratio proves this, we as fans have known it for years. Look back over the past 5 years and there's always complaints on the type of aging player we have bought on high wages. Paying high wages on the likes of Shearer, Martins, Given is fine, they provide a return on their cost - On face value Ashley has been prepared to follow this but would refuse to pay for the deadwood - I think he got his fingers burnt with Allardyce and didn't realise the true cost/return he would get on Smith and Geremi. Maybe the plan had been Keegan looks after the first team signings, Wise etc the young uns. Then maybe KK wanted to bring in the likes of Beckham, Henry, Dunne and thats when things changed. Maybe it wasn't. We don't and will never know
  3. I might be wrong but I'm sure he said that he would put the money in, I can't remember him saying that it was specifically for transfers. You are wrong. No he's not
  4. The only thing I can see on your list is a lack of communication, the others just aren't true although lack of ambition is a possibility. So you never saw the article he did, where he was willing to put £20m of his own money in for transfer on top of what we self generated amongst other lies? I guess you see what you want to see. Have you seen last years accounts? Where he put in at least £20m of his own money to keep the club going. I guess you see what you want to see Ive seen that Years accounts yes, just as had he when he made the statement to which Im referring to. The accounts which were filed a few weks ago? And the Year end was??? Last summer. When were the quotes made? The only time I remember anything of this sort was the statement when the club was put oup for sale officially 'I was always prepared to bank roll Newcastle up to the tune of £20 million per year but no more' 'That was my bargain. I would make the club solvent' 'I would make it a going concern. I would pour up to £20 million a year into the club and not expect anything back.' Where's the mention of transfers?
  5. Fucking hate winners in the last couple of minutes of ET - I wanted fucking pens. Now where's gerrard for the last minute dive?
  6. The only thing I can see on your list is a lack of communication, the others just aren't true although lack of ambition is a possibility. So you never saw the article he did, where he was willing to put £20m of his own money in for transfer on top of what we self generated amongst other lies? I guess you see what you want to see. Have you seen last years accounts? Where he put in at least £20m of his own money to keep the club going. I guess you see what you want to see Ive seen that Years accounts yes, just as had he when he made the statement to which Im referring to. The accounts which were filed a few weks ago?
  7. The only thing I can see on your list is a lack of communication, the others just aren't true although lack of ambition is a possibility. So you never saw the article he did, where he was willing to put £20m of his own money in for transfer on top of what we self generated amongst other lies? I guess you see what you want to see. Have you seen last years accounts? Where he put in at least £20m of his own money to keep the club going. I guess you see what you want to see
  8. Is this game a perfect argument for scrapping extra time? If you can't get it done in 180 mins then go straight to pens iyam
  9. Game has lost its interest since Fellaini went off. That fucking Afro man!
  10. All it comes down to for me is supporting the club. That's all we can do. If we got Ashley out, who's to say someone better would come in? I respect fans talking passionately about the club, but at the end of the day we're just fans. My honest opinion is that the best thing to do is to support the club as best we can and hope for the best. I'm well aware that many will disagree with me, but I can't see any other way. Then he'll just take the piss even more though. How long do you go on supporting him and making him think we're happy with what he's doing (i.e. taking us down)? I don't think he's mentioned supporting him. Same thing unless we make clear our displeasure (not including you in that 'we' obviously, before you start) separately from supporting the club. Contrary to popular belief, support does not get us points on the board. It's not like. I think Ashley is pretty aware the supporters aren't happy. I can support the football team and separate that from how it's being run. You don't though, you've made it perfectly clear that you support the Ashley regime and what he's done to the club. Fair enough, you're entitled to your opinion but I don't understand it. He's aware because we made it clear. If we'd just said "well done Mike" and "supported" after the Keegan debacle, he wouldn't be aware. We'd still be in the same mess though. If Ashley hadn't been forced to put the club up for sale publically then we wouldn't have Kinnear in charge now
  11. A red and white shirt protest. Now THAT would get noticed
  12. I know someone who works in his shop in Toon and he said since KK left its been less busy, but I think the recession has had more to do with that, although I'm in no doubt that fans have stopped buying from his shop. I imagine it will pick up again should JJB go under
  13. A hypothetical - and its only as hypothetical as Ashley selling and things being rosey again.... We see out the season and stay up. Kinnear is thanked and set on his way. A North Eastern Business man/consortia buy 40-49% of the club, leaving Ashley as the main shareholder/owner and offer to match Ashley for annual investment 1 for 1 for a period of 2 years (say a total of £30m a year. Ashley publically apologises for his MISTAKES and lays down a new route forward, continuing on seeking for value for money younger players rather than 28 yr old superstars on £80k a week. A progressive young manager is brought in and is allowed input to the team put around him in terms of recruitment. Would the NUSC members/General Ashley out people give Ashley this chance to start again?
  14. Doing the maths, on a £600 season ticket isn't the VAT saving about £13 a year, i.e. about £1 a month? The admin cost of sending back the £1 would outweigh the refund, surely its a bit daft asking for this back? Don't think they have to send it back per month like, they'd send back the full amount for the time the new tax rate is in place in one go. Still not going to be much though. To be fair they could also just reduce the direct debit, however I'm not sure how the structure works. The tax point is the date of the supply to the consumer, and the legal position could be that the tax point is when you sign the contract to buy the tickets, you're just paying for it afterwards. My understanding is that it is the earlier of point of invoice or payment for VAT purposes
  15. You have to remember that unit profit from things such as shirt sales will be minimal as most of the revenue is set in stone at the signing of the contract. The catering at SJP was (and I assume still is) largely outsourced so again boycotting this will have little impact. I'm dead against match time protesting, but could see the potential impact a vocal protest would have if it started 30 mins before kick off, stopped for 45 minutes, restarted for all of half time, stopped for 45 minutes then continued after the game. I'd also stay well clear of personal insults against Ashleys girth or place of birth, it makes us look stupid, if people are going to protest, then make it damn clear what the protest is about, and its not about the fact that Ashley was born a few miles south of the Tyne is it?
  16. I went to a public meeting about a company reopening a coal mine in my village. A few hundred there all spouting off self interest and generic ramblings. One guy there had done his research and laid out a balanced view of the costs and benefits (in particular job creation and supply of local produce to the villages at a lower cost) and was shouted down and hounded out of the meeting. I imagine a NUSC meeting would be similar if you weren't pushing for Ashley to be removed and for no money to be put into the club. and for that reason, I'm out.
  17. The only thing I got from HTT's post was that we were successful when we went for the spectacular, failed when we went tried and tested, only then citing the fantasic achievement of CL qualification and 3-2 win over Barcelona under.............. One of the appointments previously criticised! (I get the general point btw, just playing the pedantic buggar!) I agree with the sentiment of the post though, we would be better of going for a gamble and seeing where we go, but where I disagree is that I would prefer Martinez to Temuri or Wor Alan, purely because I've witnessed the masive improvement he has made to Swansea over the past two years or so.
  18. Peacock and Bassong would be awesome. Peacock and Colo would be hairy
  19. I'd seriously consider some fo the young uns from the reserves for this. We need freshening up and they've been in decent form this season. I can't see the likes of Lua Lua or Ranger being fazed by WBA at the Hawthorns, got to be worth a try
  20. Why? Because the Spuds will magically "click" at some point this season? They're in just as much trouble as Bolton at least, tbh. Spurs have got better players and they will go on a run and get away from the bottom. They aren't going to get relegated while Bolton quite possibly could, although today's result will give them a massive lift. People have been saying this about Spurs all season. There is no reason to suggest that they will suddenly win 3 on the bounce to pull themselves out of trouble. Don't think they will go down unfortunately, but they will be at risk right to the last week or two along with 4 or 5 others
  21. Undoubtedly you're correct, but I'm praising them for one thing they seem to at least be doing a good job at. I realise that goes against the grain on here. It is their job though, to sell players for as much as they can possibly get for them. I'll continue to judge them on how successful or not the football team is as that's all I care about really and at current they're not doing a very good job on that front. Its easy to sell good players like Milner and Given. Even NZogbia for all his personality flaws is a saleable commodity. £6-7m is about his value in todays market. The problem for Wise & Co will be when they have to sell Shola and Nolan to fund emergency repairs. Who are we going to sell to fund this summers spending. Assuming well be strengthening again in the summer. Martins? Jonas? Bassong? Beye? Duff, hed bring in at least £1.5m. Hadn't they agreed a £2.5m fee for Shola in the summer only for the Georide Boy (c Alan Oliver) to turn the move down? Not a bad fee for a player who had barely playerd due to injury for the best part of two years and was out of contract in a year
  22. I'm not the only one! Still deciding who to replace the Bolton with.
  23. Only one paper has claimed they value him at £18 million, every other source says £12 million. £8m plus Insomnia and a gentlemens agreement with citeh to leave veloso alone if we sell them given i suppose. Hughes won't like that suggestion!
  24. Guthrie is 21 and if he anything about him he'll force his way into the team sooner or later We've had a very disrupted midfield this year. One plus with Nolan is that he and Guthrie have played together for a season and will have some sort of understanding already built in.
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