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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. Why would he not be interested in Man City or Everton but would be in coming here? KK that much of a pulling factor? And his Dad, The Toon is the one club he wished he had played for. He won't let Shaun make a mistake twice in his career with choice of club
  2. name me a better player that you could get for £1mil. Jonas?
  3. Re first sentance. What a load of rubbish! OK, so he could have put a request in sooner. Maybe something has happened to tip the balance in the favour of moving in the last week. Would you rather he drops hints in the papers that he wants awy whilst sitting on a loyalty bonus from us? Its refreshing to see players slap in a transfer request when they want to leave. Barry could learn a lot here Has Milner not stated that he has been unhappy for ages, hence the link with Villa for the past four or five transfer windows? I could be imagining it, but I could have sworn that he has been "on his way out" for a couple of years now. In any case, I agree that it is refreshing to see players hand in transfer requests but, once again, the power has been displaced from the club and onto the player. He is under contract and should Villa (or whichever club is apparently interested) decide not to pick him up, I wish him all the luck in the world trying to perfect his skills in the reserves. I'm so gald Jonas saw out his contract Point missed. If Jonas announced that he intended to leave a few minutes after proclaiming that he was happy to stay, I would have no problems with the fans of his old club being annoyed. Just because we have taken advantage of another player getting out of his contract does not mean that we have to be happy when one of ours does it, especially if Milner has been unsettled by O'Neil. So in an interview just after a game which we won Milner is asked about the speculation (direct question). 'Actually I'm off to speak to the gaffa tomorrow to slap in this transfer request' Would you be happy? Ever since Milner returned from his loan he has been nothing but professional in the way he has applied himself on the pitch and in the press. If he wants to leave good luck to the guy, I personally have no problem in him deciding he wants to leave. If he stays for whatever reason you can guarantee that he will continue to give 100% on th epitch, thats all you can ask for really
  4. Re first sentance. What a load of rubbish! OK, so he could have put a request in sooner. Maybe something has happened to tip the balance in the favour of moving in the last week. Would you rather he drops hints in the papers that he wants awy whilst sitting on a loyalty bonus from us? Its refreshing to see players slap in a transfer request when they want to leave. Barry could learn a lot here Has Milner not stated that he has been unhappy for ages, hence the link with Villa for the past four or five transfer windows? I could be imagining it, but I could have sworn that he has been "on his way out" for a couple of years now. In any case, I agree that it is refreshing to see players hand in transfer requests but, once again, the power has been displaced from the club and onto the player. He is under contract and should Villa (or whichever club is apparently interested) decide not to pick him up, I wish him all the luck in the world trying to perfect his skills in the reserves. I'm so gald Jonas saw out his contract
  5. What are the quotes in relation to, a response to what? They were before the match btw
  6. Re first sentance. What a load of rubbish! OK, so he could have put a request in sooner. Maybe something has happened to tip the balance in the favour of moving in the last week. Would you rather he drops hints in the papers that he wants awy whilst sitting on a loyalty bonus from us? Its refreshing to see players slap in a transfer request when they want to leave. Barry could learn a lot here
  7. Yes after about 3 weeks, my point was the deadline is monday. You can't negotiate like that at the end of a window if you MUST sign some players. Edit South Tynedale Mag: yes we did sign him for an excellent fee and I like the way he negotiates but like I said above deadline is monday adn nowt is tied up. But you could negotiate like that when he did! I don't know, but would assume that its a case of horses for courses where negotiating is concerned
  8. I'm assuming that there will be vids on UTUBE (in work and can't check) but check out SWP in his Citeh days. A front 4 of SWP, Jonas, Owen and Martins would scare the winnits out of defenders
  9. My ratings Given - not much to do, not much he could have done with either goal Beye - unspectacular Colo - Steady and assured Bassong - steady and assured Enrique - Proved we do have a left back in the squad Butt - Time has come to phase the guy out Guthrie - Tidy, can and will get better Zog - Proved he is not the left back in the squad Jonas - Played with heart and a brain Milner- Played like he wants away Ron - Steady Owen - Ronseal
  10. Wounded!!!! Did you buy it within the last 14 days? If so it's not fit for purpose therefore you are entitled to a refund legally. No its not, its a personal modification to the standard design therefore falls outside the fit for purpose tag unless the numbers fall off
  11. I'm sure they do have ocnference call meetings. But in every business from time to time you will have a sit down meeting (lunch provided, dress code business casual) where you finalise things and thrash out the big issues. Both Mike and Kevin seem like people who would prefer face to face contact anyway
  12. So what time is the meeting then? This board is going to be rumour overload later
  13. Mike can that still be classed as racism or not? I went with that because the of the black and white. I didn't see what you saw. If there is any racism, it's yours, tooj. tsk tsk tsk, man. Aye because the title of the picture clearly shows that's what you meant. What film is Isla in there mate? Has potential by the looks of it Was a TV show back in the day. Was godawful as all hell. Power Rangers? Was quality that man
  14. England's Michael Owen scores yet again for Newcastle United. This is why we need to tie him down to a new contract, the man scores goals when it matters
  15. Mike can that still be classed as racism or not? I went with that because the of the black and white. I didn't see what you saw. If there is any racism, it's yours, tooj. tsk tsk tsk, man. Aye because the title of the picture clearly shows that's what you meant. What film is Isla in there mate? Has potential by the looks of it
  16. shut the fuck up...have you never seen a long throw in your life you miserable twat? For once I agree with Adrian Durham on Talkshite. Long throws should be banned from football
  17. So are we the first group of 11 men who chose to spend an extra 30 minutesin Coventry?
  18. Disgusted if this is true! There is absolutely no reason for us not to be in for SWP, he's a world class winger with good prem experience and if he moves will have a major point to prove! Anybody who claims they dont rate mustn't have a very good memory, the lad was winning games on his own for city under KK! If SWP goes to everton for 9mil and we keep Milner after turning down a 7mil bid, I really will give up on football! No you won't. Besides, who's to say we're not in for him? Who's to say that he would prefer a move to the NE rather than Merseyside? Or that he is speaking to Everton and us and Everton was on his way up here? Aren't most of our deals done in London these days though? Hope I'm wrong, I'd like him here, he's a good player and could be very good, definitely not world class though Ok then, he was in Manchester visiting old friends and is on route to St James Towers (London Branch) via Liverpool
  19. Disgusted if this is true! There is absolutely no reason for us not to be in for SWP, he's a world class winger with good prem experience and if he moves will have a major point to prove! Anybody who claims they dont rate mustn't have a very good memory, the lad was winning games on his own for city under KK! If SWP goes to everton for 9mil and we keep Milner after turning down a 7mil bid, I really will give up on football! No you won't. Besides, who's to say we're not in for him? Who's to say that he would prefer a move to the NE rather than Merseyside? Or that he is speaking to Everton and us and Everton was on his way up here?
  20. If anyone can't get it on Sky and is not Newcastle based we are the Radio 5 commentary game tonight
  21. Have Fifa/Uefa given the OK to this or is it a FA (and now SFA) thing? If it is the latter, what is to stop them extending it to say Jan 1st?
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