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  1. http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/404014_10151030378661555_1291243216_n.jpg New Shirts~ New Manager New Players New ...... low point
  2. http://hkjai.com/comic/comic/comic581.jpg
  3. http://i.minus.com/i6iV0yDmFMkn4.jpg
  4. http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/382671_353968181295573_115128138512913_1522816_1925309041_n.jpg :frantic:
  5. Simpson can cover RB and RM at same time
  6. Lens has 4 Top young propests (young international) Darnel Situ, William Rémy, Alexandre Coeff and Mehdi Abeid Will we catch the last one later?
  7. Obviously never watched him or has seen him once on MOTD when enrique made a rare mistke. Enrique may be the best LB in the world defending in one-on-one 9 in a season. Not in the same class when compare with other top-class LB http://www.anfieldindex.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/LeftBack_Defend.png
  8. Jonas at LB Moyo at LB.....
  9. our real target : Ferguson Perch Tavernier Dummett Moyo really strong
  10. http://www.anfieldindex.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/LeftBack_Defend.png http://www.anfieldindex.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/LeftBack_Attack.png
  11. I also have a question why Forster not get in Eng U21 40-men squad. May be Pearce think he is no good enough. Even in U21 level. :-[
  12. I'll be happy if Ketsbaia come in And I can imagine that this bald guy will stand on the bench next game ......... Oh SHXT the bald guy is steve Stone
  13. Krul Tavernier Campbell Kadar Enrique Raylor Smith Barton Jonas Ameobi Loven give Tavernier a chance for RB
  14. Butt is our captain how come hughton drop him if he is avaliable similar as last season
  15. nufchk

    RIP sale thread.

    next week......weekend......delay.....next week......weekend......delay.....next week......weekend......delay.....next week......weekend......delay.....next week......weekend......delay..... and still have someone said "no news, what a surprise !" :facepalm:
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