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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  1. see he's got his sky remote handy for his daily dose of bluebird tv.
  2. oh look the other teams got x, y & z and look at the shite I've got to play with, it's just not fair!!!! (stamps his feet like a child).
  3. I'll be mightily relieved if we get 3 points tomorrow but see if we do win and this kunt tries to celebrate like we've won the cup I'll fucking nut him myself.
  4. Anyone notice Swansea's results dived after winning the league cup? Don't know why them winning today means we're fucked. We've got Pardew as manager means we're fucked!
  5. Fecking bunch of b******s. Another s**** team that wins a cup and it's not us. hope they'll be hung-over on Tuesday then.
  6. He just wanted to show what he'd look like in black & white.
  7. If anything this season has taught us it's that we can't "do" playing for a point.
  8. “We know at the end of games he can create that moment that might get us a win.” GRRRRR!!!! What a shitebag this guy is. Does he think the sky's gonna fall if we score before the 70min mark?
  9. Did Pards actually admit/say this? If he did say that it's fecking unbelievable. Makes it sound like he's the victim. It's like some bin dipper on the jeremy kyle show being proven to be a serial womaniser and being accused of sleeping with his Mrs sister and coming out with the statement "even if the lie detector test proves I didn't sleep with her sister she'd probably still kick me out".
  10. Did Pards actually admit/say this?
  11. Thank you Swansea. Over to us now. HTL!!!!
  12. This x 100. plus who's the lass in your avatar?
  13. Always thought he was canny lad.... oh, hang on, do you mean he's being shit?
  14. how long to go? scared to change the channel.
  15. just got reminded what it was like to celebrate a goal. Fuck you Pardew!
  16. We've had the 'priviledge' of some right kunts in charge of our team but he is doing his best to be top of the shitpile by a large margin. That takes some doing.
  17. Fecking hell. Was 1-0 when i went to walk the dogs. Think il go back out.
  18. Could someone not hack his email account and send abusive emails to someone/anyone and get him banned to the stands for a couple of weeks. Just imagine.....no half-time Pardew team talks!
  19. So we'll need to try and win at QPR then Alan? That what your years as a player and manager have taught you eh? Thank feck we've got you around to gee up the lads. I'm really scared we'll need to get a result at home to le arse. He's nearly single-handedly killed what was left of an atmosphere at SJP. Don't think they'd be the 12th man so to speak. No disrespect meant to folk inside SJP. Just think Pards is so fucking negative there's almost an air of resignation about the place.
  20. Just read his post match comments on BBC website.. What a load of shite. "Wigan still have to beat swansea and then win another game..." From what I can see they're 3 points behind us with a +1 better goal difference. If they win on Tuesday and we both loose our last two games they could stay up without another win. Pardew thinks 6 points will see us safe. Agree with his maths this time but ....mmm... have to go back to march to see us last win two in a row. He's gonna have to work some kinda magic at QPR cos I don't want to go in to the last gave v le arse needing 3 points.
  21. Just hope the QPR 'mercenaries' have had been told the contracts are being ripped up the day after they play us. That should give them no motivation to try against us.
  22. Because our glorious leader sees a point here as mission accomplished. He'll be eying 'building' on this 'terrific display' next week for 3 points at qpr.
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