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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  1. How the fuck is Obermong on the bench? Has he appeared at all in pre-season? Gosling would have made a far more sensible choice.
  2. bye bye kebabs...wonder if pards has had any say in the matter or JK has just went over his head. Fucking ridiculous decision to put Jonas in the middle in his place.
  3. Sitting next to Colo!!! Oh no, cliques forming in the team. newspapers were right.....
  4. If we're serious about not selling him then he starts tonight. If mike and joe want the cash then he'll be withdrawn for some bullshit reason and they'll sit and watch bidding war/price rise take place. Hopefully our manager and his great man-management skills have sussed out where Kebab's head is at. From the quotes I've read he says he's focussed on le toon but cant say he's put in any commanding performances in pre-season. If it's elsewhere would we not be better adjusting to life without him and play his 'replacement' tonight. Don't want another Ba situation where we cater to one player and they feck off leaving the tactical genius up the creek again.
  5. will be interesting to see if he starts tonight.
  6. Watching the Barca game just now..... got a gut feeling that's gonna be us tomorrow night. Man City wont know whats hit them!
  7. Use your imagination man: http://www.hp-lexicon.org/images/essayart/platform9_3-4_1.jpg It leads to Joe Kinnear's School for Transfers and Clownery. No mudblood mackems allowed.
  8. What a complete nonce. thank God we've got no-one like that at our club.
  9. "but we go out to win every game though".....utter bollocks. What's the point of even getting on the bus with this shit-stain supposedly 'leading' us and inspiring the players.
  10. Is there any single player that has improved under this wanker's management?
  11. This expresses my opinion in a far better way than I ever could.
  12. Think he should be barred from all Greggs outlets in the city judging by that picture.
  13. "we had worked all week to play player x in position y but because he's now injured/sold/doing porridge we did well to keep them to single figures".
  14. And yet Pardew persist with this formation despite us lacking any decent wingers, you do wonder what goes on in his head. I'm hoping (in desperation) that he's picked this team on purpose.....maybe Kinnear is delaying on signing a winger so Pards is going "look! see how shit our wing options are!" voila... Downing or the like is signed tomorrow. I know.....complete fantasy.
  15. on my 3rd attempt now..stuck on the payment screen. They can shove their booking fee up their ass. Robbing bastards.
  16. after an eternity finally managed to select my seats....no option to 'continue' so clicked on my basket to find it empty..... go back to start ARRRRGGHHHH!!!
  17. so does this mean the first moment we get "up the league" he'll be 'f**k you mike, done what you demanded, now I'm off'.
  18. probably way behind things but just watched that true geordie youtube video. Fucking hilarious! Best thing in the past few days!
  19. He'll say anything to please the folk in charge happy and keep his 1st team place.
  20. What a complete clusterfuck of a decision this is. Absolutely livid but at the same time feels like I've been kicked in the nads. That's one too many times recently. Maybe time for a trial seperation. As well as the anger/shock of the event itself...how the fuck is he allowed to speak to press about it before the club formally announce it or hold a press conference themselves?! Welcome to amateur central.
  21. Great news but how committed is he gonna be? Are we going to see him bugger off to Sout America half-way through the season? If his heart isn't here then is it a gamble or is a 50% Colo still better than what we could get/put out?
  22. Anyone watching the Ballack testimonial?
  23. Shame. His loss. coulda been a legend here.....
  24. we can use him on set penises.....
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